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Where are my simps Mod ap

Coochie Man

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a1) Where are my simps

a2) https://steamcommunity.com/id/112ozofpudding/

a3) ImConnor#6953

a4) US EST

a5) No Warns

a6) No Bans

a7) Ran my own server for some time, was senior admin on ThatDarkRP Server for some time

Please answer these questions with your honest opinion.
b1) I play on here a lot and often find myself in situations where the rules are broken and I need to call staff

b2) I'm good at following server rules and would do my best to uphold them

Please provide descriptive answers for the following questions:

c1) RDM (Random DeathMatch) is randomly killing people with no intent to RP, RDA (RanDom Arrest) same but for arresting. You would punish these offenses by warning the player

c2) NLR (New Life Rule) is violated when someone tries to continue their previous life after dying, for instance coming back to your base being raided and attempting to counter the raid

c3) Metagame is using your out of game knowledge to aid your character ingame. Such as listening for the sounds of contraband as a police officer without actually seeing it, and then raiding.

Please explain how you would handle each of these situations:
d1) Go over their head, tell their higherup that they're abusing their power

d2) Jail said player until I have finished the sit so I can deal with them.

d3) Warn the players for building in the street as this is against the rules

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