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Juan.galvez456 + xdmidni Player Report (Mass NLR + Repeated ARDM)


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Your In-Game (RP) name: _SquidSoip

Player's In-Game (RP) name: Juan.galvez456 (STEAM_0:1:228001827) | xdmidni (STEAM_0:0:531772277) 

Player's Steam ID: above^

Describe how the player broke the rules: Juan.galvez456 = NLR x3, RDM x1, ARDM x7, Failbase(Fading Door infront of Door) | xdmidni = NLR x3, RDM x2, ARDM x5

Evidence of the player breaking the rules:
I raid them and kill both - https://medal.tv/clips/50617380/d1337V54pMH9
1st NLR/ARDM from both - https://medal.tv/clips/50617190/d1337kKYKjWr
2nd NLR/ARDM from both + failbase - https://medal.tv/clips/50617310/d1337J5fH1g3
3rd NLR/ARDM from both - https://medal.tv/clips/50617511/d1337ndthr6V
xdmidni ARDM + RDM | Juan ARDM + RDM (Juan kills his friend instead of me) - https://medal.tv/clips/50617734/d1337XOdg1S5
Juan ARDM x2 | xdmidni RDM - https://medal.tv/clips/50617836/d13372mMxEM7
Juan ARDM (Finally Leaves) | xdmidni ARDM (Leaves Aswell) - https://medal.tv/clips/50617956/d1337IQr8oj4

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