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riko reports

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Your In-Game (RP) name: News Camera Person, That sexy boi

Player's In-Game (RP) name: '' choke on my massive girldick'',  ''That one Femboy" (stolen) , ''Princess Skyler Ralyks'', "Jeffrey Boggleheimger", "Femboys are racist"

Player's Steam ID:  "riko"              STEAM_0:1:104896920

Describe how the player broke the rules: harassment, identity stealing, making false reports to admins, calling vote kicks when killed claiming rdm and failRP when it was fair RP/ not even my fault.. i aparently died when a hitman was looking for me. Kil did nothing cause he was ''busy'' and then i killed him for shooting me and failing to kill me so he kicked me again. so i am reporting here. he is honestly dilusional and think i break rules when i don't, he i assume he hates me cause I'm gay or just cause his friends all do.. please do somthing, talk to/warn him or something.. and when i rejoined he started to try and crash the server as a hobo.
after returning for the 3rd time i made a base, he found it, i watch him wait for me for over 8 minutes, then he switched classesto buy himself explosives to raid me base, i shot and killed him with a sniper, he yelled at me for breaking the rules, then called a vote kick cause i was going to throw one of his bombs in a trashcan.. he friends accepted the vote as they always do..  for the 4th time in 1 day. they do it cause they know it will delete my stuff and make me annoyed.

Evidence of the player breaking the rules:

Jeffrey Boggleheimger<STEAM_0:1:104896920> spawned model models/props_borealis/door_wheel001a.mdl (x30)

screenshots and video






Screenshot (401).png




Edited by BeAn NotFound.Tech
rejoined to see him doing more, video added
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Holy shit, this is the funniest fucking report I've ever read.

"harassment, identity stealing, making false reports to admins, calling vote kicks when killed claiming rdm and failRP when it was fair RP/ not even my fault.. i aparently died when a hitman was looking for me. Kil did nothing cause he was ''busy'' and then i killed him for shhooting me and failing to kill me so he kicked me again. so i am reporting here. he is honestly dilusional and think i break rules when i don't, he i assume he hates me cause I'm gay or just cause his friends all do.. please do somthing, talk to/warn him or something.. and when i rejoined he started to try and crash the server as a hobo."


This report is absolutely fucking hilarious considering you break as many rules as I used to;

I kicked you for FailRP because you killed yourself immediately after CONVOY placed a hit on you. It wasn't "an accident," you were staring deep down directly fucking at me and suicided when I started to follow you.

You're going to label me for "harassment" as if you weren't fucking following me around with a camera for 3 hours trying to get me for breaking some obscure MOTD rule that isn't even intentional on my end; all you do is whine when others break the rules despite you not knowing them yourself. You started trying to gun me down before I even had the chance to fucking react to your kidnapping.

It's hilarious too how you're playing the sexuality card with this "i assume he hates me cause I'm gay" considering I'm literally a trans lesbian. I don't have anything against people based on their sexuality, race, religion, whatever. I don't care about that shit. I care about whether or not you're a decent fucking human being and it seems not because every interaction I've had with you has ended in you whining to the admins about rule-breaking even though you break just as many rules.

I play this server to have fun. I like to play with my friends like Makkay, Snas, and Liz sometimes whenever they're on. Every single fucking time I get on however, all you do is follow us around and then whining because we're very lightly messing around with eachother. You walk into everything and start whining about how it's ruining your roleplay experience as if it's our fucking problem you specifically come up to us in the area where we're alone and then whine over nothing.

You whine over "you're breaking the rules get a life" and then immediately try to steal something of mine without adverting. I'm perfectly content with my life as I actually go outside. From my perspective it seems you need to get one.

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Hello Fem/Bean, after looking at your report there's a few things that I can not warn for and these are, RDM votekick, FailRP votekick. I will warn fami for building on the sidewalk but nothing else. Please note that video evidence would be appreciated with reports as photo's do not give the full scene or what happened during. Have a nice day.

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