Juicer421 Posted January 3, 2023 Share Posted January 3, 2023 a1) What is your in-game (RP) name? Juicer421 a2) Provide a link to your Steam profile. https://steamcommunity.com/id/Juicer421/ a3) What is your Discord Tag? (ie: SomeUser#1234) Kyo#7224 a4) What timezone are you located in? Eastern Standard Time a5) How many in-game warns do you have? 3 a6) Have you ever been banned? If so, explain why? No a7) Do you have any prior staffing experience? If so, where? 2000+ hours on GMOD comes from staffing TTT and Dark RP on SuperNovaServers. When I was Dark RP staff I became an Admin and then Senior Admin.(system Mod > Admin > S.Admin > H.Admin ((as we didn’t have T-Mod Admins and S.Admin trained new mods and stood by for their first few sits)) Please answer these questions with your honest opinion. b1) Why do you want to volunteer for XenoRP? Xeno is back and needs staff. I want to have fun but not get RDM'd every too seconds and there's no staff to help because ya'know it got rebooted like a batman movie b2) If you were to get accepted, what do you think would make you a good moderator? I am unbiased and I don’t take sides. If you're dumb your dumb, if you're not you're not. There's facts and there's things kind of obvious use your judgement. Please provide descriptive answers for the following questions: c1) Define RDM/RDA and describe how players who perform those actions should be punished. RDM is Random Death Match| This means that a player kills another player without a valid or active reason. Tommy finds and kills James for no reason other than because he can. This would be met with a warning (!warn Tommy RDM) repeated attempts can be met with an additional warning or if Tommy breached threshold(such as rdming repeatedly over time(time distance varies from mod to mod)) he would be banned for a week for Repeated RDM. RDA is Random Arrest| When a player arrests another without a reason for doing so. Much like RDM but the player is arrested instead. This act can only be committed under a Civil Protection/Swat class because only they have the arrest batons. A punishment for this would be a warning and if continues should be met with demoting the player from the Civil Protection. If they get back into a Civil Protection class and continue I would ban them for week for Repeated RDA However sometimes genuine mistakes can happen such as a mayor who had made guns illegal being demoted and a player not being aware. Please read the following example. Law 5. Guns are illegal, having a gun out is AOS. “The Mayor has been killed by a hitman the laws are reset” James is a civil protection who didn’t see the notification of the laws being reset. He sees Tommy with a gun out, then proceeds to tase and arrest him. When brought to the sit he explains the mayor made guns illegal and expresses genuine confusion and had not realized the mayor had been demoted. At this point the staff member can choose to give a verbal warning or still “!warn James” for the RDA. Just like RDM which can be committed in mass, so can RDA. This is called Mass RDA. The Punishment for Mass RDM/RDA is a Two Week Ban. c2) Explain "NLR" and provide examples of instances in which it is violated. NLR is the New Life Rule - When a player dies they are essentially in a “New Life” state for the next 120 seconds. In this time they may not return to where they died for the Next, or interact with their killer for the next 120 seconds. When it comes to a raid, once a defender dies in a raid they are not allowed to return to their base to continue defending. They must wait until the raid is over to return to the base. An example of this is if all of the Swat and Civil Protection have been killed during a PD Raid and they CANNOT return to the PD, doing so is breaking NLR, NLR is also applied to PD Raids. Another example is if a player was attacked by a hitman and while trying to kill the hitman the hitman killed them so the killed player goes back to finish the job. This is not only NLR but also Revenge RDM c3) Define "metagame" and provide examples of its occurrence. Metagame is using knowledge outside of the game from what you would know. Such examples include Seeing a hitman with “Hit Accepted” inside the PD who has done no hostile action to deduce he has a hit on the mayor. Using discord or steam chat to tell your party member what is going on during a raid Using OOC to your advantage as that is considered non-rp These are met with a warning to the offending player. Please explain how you would handle each of these situations: d1) You see a higher up is abusing their powers to the highest severity, how do you react? I screen record all that is happening while in the midst telling them to not do such things because they are staff and are held to a higher standard and need to represent the server. The screen recording would be sent to either one of the three admins or one of the owners. Reporting on the forums would cause problems directly from all that can see it and would be better off handling it privately. d2) During a sit, you see someone outside of the sit Mass RDMing. How do you handle the situation? If another staff was online I would jail the person and ask them to take care of it. If there is not another available staff I would proceed as follows. I would tell the two in my sit to hold on for one moment and then jailtp the player explain to them they’re being banned and continue my current sit. Ex. Tommy is committing mass rdm. I would !jailtp Tommy. “Hey there Tommy, what you’re doing is not allowed, this is mass rdm and is against the rules. So I’m going to ban you for two weeks for mass rdm. If you think this ban is unjust you may appeal it on the forums at Xenorp.com/bans have a nice day.” After Tommy is banned I would continue the sit in progress. (fuckin tommy) (This is seen as depending from mod to mod because some believe to finish the sit first while others believe to handle the MassRDM first. As a T-Mod I believe it would be easier to ban the person for one week and get it extended to two weeks over having to grab the ID put in a ban request and go through the extra steps.) d3) Only two other players are online, and they're building in the streets. I’d tell them to switch to hobo if they want to build outdoors, and also mention that hobo’s can’t build in the streets; they have to move to the sidewalk. I’d let them down easy and it makes a grand total of three people(me and them) and leave them with a verbal warning, if it continues I will warn them for prop block/minge. As much as I’d want to sympathize and it’s not hurting anyone since it’s only three people I would have to tell them rules still exist. (would probably honestly not do much if its just two and me. Let them have their fun no one is on no one is being affected, but if it picks up then act) Link to comment
Kil Posted January 7, 2023 Share Posted January 7, 2023 Denied Need to see more of you in game. Feel free to reapply in 2 weeks. Link to comment
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