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Report for Carelesslion


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: Steam: Rockintylerj rp name: ass wipe

Which staff member are you reporting: Carelesslion

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: Banned me for nitrp while i was raiding a base without warn, Banned me for rdming HIM WHILE I WAS RAIDING A BASE AND SAID IT WAS AT THE SAME TIME, banned me for minge when i didn't do anything to minge.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: I don't have screenshots or video but i do have a witness

Edited by rockintylerj
Spelling mistake
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So basically (I talked about this in the serious chat on xeno) There was an accidental ban for 1 minute. I had to redo the ban (probably after you rejoined the server) and that might of been when you were raiding but it was a valid ban overall. I brought you to a sit, explained the ban, and accidentally went for 1 minute. All in all, it was just a re-ban for the amount of days that is allowed for a NITRP ban.

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5 minutes ago, Carelesslion said:

So basically (I talked about this in the serious chat on xeno) There was an accidental ban for 1 minute. I had to redo the ban (probably after you rejoined the server) and that might of been when you were raiding but it was a valid ban overall. I brought you to a sit, explained the ban, and accidentally went for 1 minute. All in all, it was just a re-ban for the amount of days that is allowed for a NITRP ban.

In this post i am talking about the ban not after i joined the server. and i raided before the fist ban not after i rejoined, you didn't bring me to a sit when i rejoined.

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Hey Rockintylerj, I'm sorry that you had a bad experience with one of our moderators.


Please read through the MOTD, or at least skim it, when possible. When we see people breaking multiple rules it can signal to us that you are doing so on purpose, which is a valid reason to ban; however, due to your persistence, I will be unbanning you as I feel you simply didn't know. I recommend watching a tutorial video for DarkRP if you're confused about what DarkRP is, but remember that our server will differ from the tutorials. As a side note, staff are allowed to take their own sits.

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