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Bubbles Staff report


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Your In-Game (RP) Name:


Which staff member are you reporting:


Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior:

Metagaming the staff member raided me because i put out an ooc when i was across from my base at spawn and the staff member looked at my door when off duty and looked at me and killed me and proceeded to raid i admit i went back and killed him because he was still raiding so i put a stop to it and he jailed me then proceeded telling me that using out of rp knowledge is not metagaming and that im in the wrong and he dared me to put a staff report. right off the bat just an absolute dick. so please demote or do something with him horrible Mod.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: my recording wouldnt record that far back i had it set to 5 mins and i was busy with trying to get him to stop screaming.

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It was a bit complicated and i already talked with poop about the situation. It was kinda not meta-game because you were adverting that 5 mil raid at spawn and also if he sees you going in and out of the base than he knows you live there. Kinda a weird situation, however the staff team now knows the rule on that matter.

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