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Falsely warned by UnOfficialCr33pa


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: Hong Kong Democracy Now

Which staff member are you reporting: UnOfficialCr33pa

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: I had been being RDT'd along with other people, at least 10 times as a hobo. I had not broken any laws and had no reason to be tased. Nobody online was answering any reports; I waited at least 30 minutes. Votekick and vote demote was not effective on the cops. Aware of the "hobos cannot have weapons" rule, I decided it would be fair to ignore this and only use a gun on the people who were repeatedly tasing me for no reason, and I did so for a while, only killing people who kept tasing me for no reason at all. I was not repeatedly RDM'ing them; I only killed them after they tased me each time, I didn't violate NLR.

UnOfficialCr33pa then joins and immediately jails then warns me, before I can even explain myself and not caring about any context. He admitted that he had just joined and had been ignoring the context and any actions before which I feel is unfair and bad moderation technique; listening to context is crucial for making moderation decisions. Even after explaining the situation clearly the warn had not been lifted, and I don't believe he handled the reports against the RDT'ers either.

I understand that it's "just a warn" but I'm already on a few warns and I don't want to be banned from a server I just donated to for what I feel is an unfair reason. I feel like I shouldn't be subjected to RDT's and unable to defend myself so I simply aided it by, as I feel it is, responsibly breaking a rule for a good cause. Other people can vouch that these cops were harassing me and others.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: Evidence can be provided in warn/kill/chat logs. My recording software was not running; I don't have proof myself.

Edited by Setro
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Ok, so I walked out of spawn and down the road(just loaded into the server), there were a bunch of cops and a hobo. I had no clue what was going on prior to me joining. I saw you(a hobo) pull out a gun and shoot a citizen and a cop. So I jailed you quickly, and gave you a warn for FailRP, because as it states in the rules, hobo cannot harm or be harmed. So then you said that it was bullshit that you recieved the warn. So, I said 2 wrongs don't make a right. I apoligised that the other staff didn't take your sits(which we are not required to). I don't see what I did wrong here, I was only do my job. I saw someone break the rules, and I gave out the proper punishment. So after I got done talking to you, I started spectating the cops who were doing the RDTing and I warned accordingly, and quickly stopped the situation all together. You even knew that you were breaking the rules, But, as you say "you were doing it for a good cause". There is no reason you should be breaking the rules at all and because you decided it would be a good idea to break the rules you recieved your punishment. Lastly, I did not admit to anything, all I told you is, that I joined the server, I had no prior knowledge of what was happening, I was just getting you for what I saw. I didn't say anything about me just ignoring what happened to you.

Edited by UnOfficialCr33pa
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My main gripe is that I'm being given the same exact punishment for defending myself as someone who has been RDT'ing several times.

I still don't think what I did was wrong and I stand on my decision. Being tased over and over again makes the game completely unplayable. I shouldn't need to just log out and come back at another time when there are on-duty staff. I don't believe that anything I did was sinister; I was not seeking out to RDM these cops as soon as I spawned, but killed them as soon as they went to tase me or after they did indeed tase me. The citizen you mentioned was crossfire.

27 minutes ago, UnOfficialCr33pa said:

 But, as you say "you were doing it for a good cause".

You make it seem like I'm saying I'm some hero for the entire server. I'm not. I'm just defending myself from repetitive harassment by cops because I have exhausted literally all of the other options that I could. There was literally no other way to defend myself from the harassment as hobo.

33 minutes ago, UnOfficialCr33pa said:

 all I told you is, that I joined the server, I had no prior knowledge of what was happening, I was just getting you for what I saw. I didn't say anything about me just ignoring what happened to you.

That's part of the issue and the last statement with you not caring is implied. You neglected to ask me for context or even verbally tell me anything, you just jumped straight to a warn. I have never seen any staff member do that, except for you. Even mass rdm'ers get a fair trial before they're banned. In my eyes it is even worse that you had just gotten on and immediately made a moderation decision based off of insufficient context.

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Thats the thing, I didn't ignore the fact that you were getting RDTed, because a lot of people were and there were multiple cops doing it. I can't just jump in and say hey to all the cops, "whos RDTing"? Yanno? Right after I got done talking to you, after explaing to you that I was going to handle them, I went and did just that. Reguardless you broke the rules you got your punishment, the people who were RDTing got their punishments also, you're not the only person who got in trouble. Just because you didn't see me taking direct action, dosen't mean I wasn't handling it. 

Edited by UnOfficialCr33pa
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Hi Setro, I'm sorry for had a bad experience with one of our staff members. Upon reviewing your report, I have come up with the following conclusion:


While you may of been trying to defend yourself, that doesn't mean you get to break rules. We understand players can feel helpless if this happens, and we encourage anyone who sees actions like this happening to gather evidence and create a player report on our forums or ask for assistance on our Discord. I will discuss this situation further with Cr33pa and what he could do differently next time.  As of now, your warn will be removed, but I will not remove similar warns in the future under the same topic.

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