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Controversy on the RP-related mayor demotion rule


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so I noticed a lot of staff either aren't aware of, disagree, or argue over one of the rules in the MOTD, specifically under mayor rules, rule 2:

The mayor can be demoted for RP reasons. If the mayor is not acting in the peoples best interest he can be demoted.

This rule seems to be very open-ended and open to interpretation. I was just wondering:

  • Is this rule still applicable?
  • What constitutes RP-related and non-RP related in your opinion
  • Along with rp-related and non-RP related, what are bad/good RP reasons to demote

And maybe this rule should be modified, it seems to be the subject of a lot of arguing. Or the MOTD can include examples of demotable reasons.

Either way, I feel staff need to be informed of this better. I've met some staff that were aware of and defended the ability for citizens to demote, and the other staff either weren't aware of it at all or believe it's not relevant anymore.


Edited by Setro
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