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Darkpulse Abuse Of Power


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: Hitler Was Right

Which staff member are you reporting: Darkpulse811

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: jailed me and another player for 4+ minites while dealing with another sit, Was not told when i was going to be let out or what the reason for the jailing was.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: i dont have any but IGN: Merry Morgz claims to have evidence

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I'd like to add evidence, a vouch that I believe this was unfair and extreme as well, and another side-report on Dark.




While you shouldn't be propclimbing and such, I have never faced even a warn for doing it and have never seen a player get one unless they did it repeatedly.

Dark simply physgunned me aside at first so I thought it was fine to stay there, then he randomly jailed me along with Hitler.

Other issue:

This is not the first issue I've had with Dark either. There are times where he will just be a mod on duty and not take sits.

As shown below, he clearly is not taking sits despite being the only mod on duty, yet stops demotes happening. This demote would punish and hopefully dissuade a user who was making multiple false demotes on people. Sits were requested but never taken at all by Dark.

Other users have complained about Dark as well.


Edited by Setro
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HI killerofgames21 and Setro, thank you for submitting a staff report!

According to Dark, he jailed you all after you prop climbed into his sit. It is most probable that he was attempting to end his current sit before initiating one with you. As you said, prop climbing is against the rules and is subject to the punishment the moderator sees fit. I will tell him to communicate better next time on why you were jailed; however, you may have not heard him.

On the not taking sits, moderators are not required to receive tickets when they're on the server, and even if he is MOD, he may be doing other actions at the time. I will remind him, though, that he should not be AFKing while on the class.

If you have any more comments, feel free to message me on the forums or Discord

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