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Should mayor be allowed to base?

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Being police or mayor tends to be not very fun as mayor devolves into sitting around doing nothing, and police becomes someone desperate to arrest another player. I remember back in the day, an old and now dead server called Modified DarkRP. The mayor basing and people attempting to raid the fortress that was the PD was potentially some of the most fun on the server. Another point is that mayors would be compelled to make good laws and listen to players, otherwise they would be booted out.

As far as base locations, the PD on the Downtown map is way too small, unlike Modifed's ginormous Nexus building. So I think that the mayor should be allowed to pick any location. 

As far as police go, they shouldn't be allowed to base on their own, but must go to the mayor's base and do their things there.

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Perhaps they should have the ability to build inside of the police department. Considering we don't have wiremod for E2 doors and that most of the police are usually outside of the PD anyway letting them build inside of the PD is fair. Also considering that when lockpicking the first door it's hard to encounter resistance as police will either be away or dead. Not only that, multiple people generally raid at once which makes it hard for the two police officers required to fight back.

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I agree with Derpe. Although the armory is merely an entity that can be spawned like any other, allowing player discretion when placing it is a huge problem waiting to happen. The Mayor should stay PD-centric in this case. The main problem with the police department is how small it is and how many crossfire positions there are that don't allow for a good defense. The deciding factor is generally the type of weapons you're using and how much health/armor you have.

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