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T-mod late night illegal farming


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: SlickSloth

Which staff member are you reporting: Jeesus

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: Jeesus was a staff member on duty while also having a base up with bit miners that he would fly and collect after sits.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: 

Jeesus on duty: Photo

Jeesus owning a base: Photo

Jeesus with bit coin miners in base: Photo

Jeesus taking sits: Photo


Edited by $loth
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I know that I am not allowed to base while I am a moderator but it was an urgent situation since Ferrit left and I received more than 3 separate Mass RDM tickets which obviously, I had to take care of on the spot. I did not deffend my base while I was a mod, nor break any rules as I changed my job back to thief as fast as I could each time I came back into my base. If I was getting raided (when on duty) I would just let the people finish their raid and I'm pretty sure you were the only person that raided me all night long and I did not protect my base from you, I let you walk outside. You also raided me for no legal reason as you were Law Encorcement and I didn't have anything illegal in my base, Bit Miners are always legal and are not a reason for a warrant. Your pictures don't really demonstrate my picking up money as a moderator, defending my base or breaking any other rule.

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Hello $loth, thank for for making a staff report! After looking over the evidence, here is my verdict:


While it is improper for a staff member to own a base on duty, they are allowed to in order to deal with a situation. Jeesus claims he was the only staff on and there were mass RDM reports flying in. He is not allowed to defend his base nor collect bitcoins though, which no evidence presented shows. I will still discuss this situation with him, and I thank you for helping moderate our moderators

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Hey, I want to state that I am involved with the report. One of the screenshots is mine. I would like to interject and state that he was on duty for nearly 2 or 3 hours with a base, it wasn't a quick ticket like he states. The screenshots with timestamps will corroborate that fact. The first timestamp being 1:36 am with the later timestamps being after 3:00. That's not a quick sit, it wasn't "Urgent" and handled quickly as he states.

Edited by RoyGeeBiv
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