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Moderator Report


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@somethingtransrights is a power hungry corrupt mod kicking and banning before warned as to why this was happening. i put in two tickets with her yet nothing was done about the problems i had with other players breaking rules but as soon as i said one word out of line i got kicked. i then rejoined the lobby to immediately get pulled away from spawn by none other than trans rights for her to go back in the logs a good hour just so she could find a problem to ban me for. get better mods xeno your lobby and staff are going to shit

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Please use the proper format as it’s a sign that you actually took the time to make it easier on us and yourself as if you don’t want to take the time to use our format why should I take the time to review your report. Regardless you didn’t provide any proof to support your claims against Something and from what I hear your ban was well justified. 



Regarding the people not mentioned in this staff report who replied. Please refrain from replying to any reports if you are not directly mentioned within it. I do however appreciate your willingness to stand up for our staff team and it’s members.

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Hello Mason / EAT ME


I am going to start by saying I never banned nor kicked you, the server automatically does that after a certain amount of warnings have been received during a defined period of time. Just to clear everything up I am going to list off warn reasons, if needed I can provide a video of each warning and why you got them. 


Racism; You called a player ni***, something that is not allowed.


Homophobia; You called me a ‘F**’ when I TPed to you for a sit you made, any form of that word is not permitted. 


Homophobia; You called me a ‘Fa****’ when I was handling one of your sits.


False Sits; You made sits to call me over so you could insult me, I gave you a verbal before this warn as well. 


FailRP (Cooldowns); You raided a base with your party member within 3 minutes of a previous raid.


Lying to staff; Lying about said party member in the previous warning. 


Sorry if you feel that you were mistreated, however these are the warnings that resulted in your ban, if you feel these are false please fix this report with the proper format and provide proof.

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