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Nuromi and bgs - knowingly basing together as meth cook and combat medic


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Your In-Game (RP) name: Morgz Mum uwu

Player's In-Game (RP) name: Nuromi and bgs

Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:86866724 (nurumi)

STEAM_0:0:485912740 (bgs)

Describe how the player broke the rules: They were basing together as combat medic and meth cook and still are, even after I kindly told them it was against the rules. Instead of acknowledging it nicely, I was told to "fuck off" and "eat a whole dick". So here we are. Please read the disclaimer at the bottom, if you take this event separately it may look like im petty.

Evidence of the player breaking the rules:






Disclaimer: I hope this doesn't come off as petty, because I've been trying to get Nuromi warned for something for the feeling of justice. He has broken several rules and will probably continue doing so, although I could only document this because I don't have enough evidence for the other occasions. He has knowingly broken several other rules including NLR, fail RP, having entities while building, having invisible props, and propblocking doors. He has also suicided during hits numerous times, intentionally, knowing that the hit is on him.  I don't expect anything to be done about this because of the lack of evidence, but I thought I'd explain why I am reporting something otherwise so small.

To me, him knowingly breaking the rules is way worse than a mistake because it is a blatant refusal to RP correctly and it harms the gameplay of others.

EDIT: I have a bit of video and screenshots of him suiciding during hits, let me know if you want to see these, but I deemed them as insufficient for evidence.


Edited by Setro
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I've gone ahead and warned them for FailRP due to them not being permitted to party together. He clearly was knowingly breaking the rules.

As for the other items you listed, you're correct in the fact that we don't have sufficient evidence to make a judgement.

Thanks for taking the time to make this report. 

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