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terrible mod


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: retarded 14 year old

Which staff member are you reporting: something trans rights

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: believed a lie with out checking anything

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: when i was on the server i got rdaed and called and an admin and that admin was something trans rights and the culprit that rdaed me lied to something trans rights and he didnt even check if his lie was true or false and just believed it was true

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Hi thank you for taking the time to make a report, however due to the lack of evidence regarding your situation your report turns into a he said she said situation. We cannot remove your warn/punish Something as we have no evidence to prove that they did not do their job as a XenoRP staff member correctly. Next time when reporting a player please include proper evidence to make the process swifter and more to your liking!

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