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Fail RP and no help


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Your In-Game (RP) name: Averoin

Player's In-Game (RP) name: IDK was kidnaped as a hobo and made 3 tickets with 2 staff on and no help!!! possible (Leto)

Player's Steam ID: IDK as I dont know who did it was blindfolded when it happend  (STEAM_0:0:208922923)

Describe how the player broke the rules: I was kidnaped as a hobo and thats not allowed 

Evidence of the player breaking the rules: https://gyazo.com/7488fb5bac265a6d1c957575f91ba64d

Edited by averoin
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I logged on and checked the logs. You were incorrect about it being Leto. I found the player who did handcuff you and they have been warned.In the future, if you are going to make a report, please gather sufficient evidence and be certain which player was violating the rules.

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