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Fail Rp / Ltap / Minge

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Your In-Game (RP) name: [BBG]Nightfall

Player's In-Game (RP) name: William Ben Dover

Player's Steam ID: N/A Changed Player Name And Left Unable To Confirm A Steam ID

Describe how the player broke the rules: William was a cop and had no reason to blow up my car near the start of that clip you can hear him shooting my car and as soon as i came out to look he /killed and changed his name using a macro then left the server clear minge if you could check deep logs for his steam ID that would be great i've waited 15 minutes for an admin and no one has accepted my ticket.

Evidence of the player breaking the rules: https://medal.tv/clips/20560689/d1337hP5GJLH

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Hi Nightfall, we greatly appreciate you creating a player report. Logs are cleared daily, and unfortunately, we do not have the player's ID that you reported. I tried looking for it for the past few days, but it doesn't look like he has joined back on the server. If you see him in-game, please copy his STEAM_ID by typing ulx copyid "Name" in the console, or by right-clicking on their name in chat, and resubmit this player report.

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