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  1. a1) What is your in-game (RP) name? JustPatchee a2) Provide a link to your Steam profile. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198401483642/ a3) What is your Discord Tag? (ie: SomeUser#1234)Justpatchee#8305 a4) What timezone are you located in? EST a5) How many in-game warns do you have? 7 a6) Have you ever been banned? If so, explain why? No a7) Do you have any prior staffing experience? If so, where? I used to be a Admin in Play Free Rp I was a Moderator in a server named Crew Conflict it was a really big server, i have owned multiple servers my self. i have been a Staff Member on many more servers but i do not remember. Please answer these questions with your honest opinion. b1) Why do you want to volunteer for XenoRP? Just to be fully honest i would think i would be a really big help in the community and i would be on all day checking around making sure the server is safe and secure and no body doing some dumb shit. b2) If you were to get accepted, what do you think would make you a good moderator? I have a lot of prior staffing experience have been a Moderator on multiple servers. I have been playing the server for over 4 to 5 months and i know how to deal with situations fair and respectful and responsible. Please provide descriptive answers for the following questions: c1) Define RDM/RDA and describe how players who perform those actions should be punished. RDM= RandomDeath Match, EX: Lets say player 1 goes up to player 2 and says your trash and kills player 2 with out any reason at all i will talk to both of then listen to there story's and look into logs and ill try to be as fair as possible, This will lead up to a punishment of getting warned. RDA= Random Arrest, EX: Cop 1 goes up to player 2 and just arrests them with out no reason at all player 2 has no warrants up for his or hers arrest, i will listen to both sides of the story and be as fair as possible. This will lead to a punishment of getting warned. c2) Explain "NLR" and provide examples of instances in which it is violated. NLR= New Life Rule, EX:Player 1 mugs Player 2 then Player 1 kills player 2 because player 2 did not give player 1 the amount of money she or he mugged for, then Player 2 goes back to there recent location where they have been killed 10 seconds ago with out waiting the respectful time of 2 Minutes or 120 Seconds. c3) Define "metagame" and provide examples of its occurrence. Its using knowledge that you gained outside the Roleplay with OOC chat or advert, EX: Someone types that in front of spawn there are making weed and they have bitcoin miners and your a COP or SWAT and your at a whole different side of the map and you have gained that information without seeing proof and you just get a warrant and go in and arrest them. Please explain how you would handle each of these situations: d1) You see a higher up is abusing their powers to the highest severity, how do you react? I will sit back hit the record button watch everything he does then i will send the video to someone that has the power to demote or view the video and give the higher up his punishment or i will just send it to the owners. d2) During a sit, you see someone outside of the sit Mass RDMing. How do you handle the situation? Jail the player that is mass RDMing so he can not RDM anyone else finish with my sit then i will go deal with the player that is mass RDMing or i will let a another staff member deal with the situation if there is one on at the moment. d3) Only two other players are online, and they're building in the streets. I will just tell them to stop and delete all the props if they don't delete anything i will pull them into a sit talk to them give them one more chance to redeem themselves if they still are building the punishment will lead to a warn. Or if its a hobo on the sidewalk its fine. Honestly i am pretty sure i am getting declined like always but you know why not try my luck :)
  2. Can you guys add new weapons, Striker12 Jack hammer Barret m98B machetes Its not really that much, I can help you code The shipments.
  3. Justpatchee


    please disregard because i thought he was talking to me, darkpulse is one great T-MOD he tries his best to help out the server and he tries to make it a postive time to be on the server.
  4. a1) What is your in-game (RP) name? JUST patchee a2) Provide a link to your Steam profile. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198401483642/ a3) What is your Discord Tag? (ie: SomeUser#1234) patchee#8305 a4) What timezone are you located in? EST a5) How many in-game warns do you have? 1 a6) Have you ever been banned? If so, explain why? no i have never been banned from XENORP. a7) Do you have any prior staffing experience? If so, where? I have been Admin on play free rp but they did a economy reset i was mod on a server called crew conflict and i have owned a server myself but it failed. Please answer these questions with your honest opinion. b1) Why do you want to volunteer for XenoRP? I want to volunteer on xenoRP because I want to show how Amazing this server is and i would love to help the server out and helping the players, this is my intention of helping the server as a staff member, And i want the players to enjoy there time on xenoRP, i wanna keep everyone on the server positive and happy and i don't want anyone to have issues and i would love to help out the community, And I can communicate with the players respectfully. b2) If you were to get accepted, what do you think would make you a good moderator? The thing is that I interact with the players Responsibly and Fair, I would be a good moderator because i have prior staffing experience and i usually work well with all the players and i would consider my self fair and respectful when dealing with reports/players. Please provide descriptive answers for the following questions: c1) Define RDM/RDA and describe how players who perform those actions should be punished. RDM/random deathmatch, RDM is usually a situation where a player kills another player for no reason at all, And this is usually caused by minge/anger. EX: A theif goes up to another player then kills him and runs away, and sometimes there are Different types of RDM like Revenge RDM and Mass RDM, And this will lead to a punishment of a warn/verbal warn. RDA/RadmonArrest, this happens when a CP goes and arrests a player for no reason, EX: A Swat/Cop goes up to a player then arrests him for no reason, that player did not do anything wrong and there are Different types of RDA like Mass RDA/Revenge RDA. This will lead to a punishment of a warn/verbal warn c2) Explain "NLR" and provide examples of instances in which it is violated. NLR [NEW LIFE RULE], NLR is when someone dies and comes back to there recent location with out waiting the respectful time of 2 Minutes or 120 Seconds or when the raid is over, EX: A theif raids and kills the player inside the base and that player that he killed comes back to there recent location and tries to kill the theif, This will lead to a punishment of a warn/verbal warn c3) Define "metagame" and provide examples of its occurrence. MetaGame is when a player uses knowledge that he is not supposed to know EX: A swat found information about a base with bitcoin miners in OOC/ADVERT chat and the SWAT/CP is not supposed to know this information, The swat/CP can only put the player as wanted/warrant to raid the players base when he see's the printer/bitcoin miners himself he can not find the Information from OOC/ADVERT CHAT, or a base is getting raided and the SWAT/CP finds out and he puts a the player as wanted when he never saw the raid happen. Please explain how you would handle each of these situations: d1) You see a higher up is abusing their powers to the highest severity, how do you react? I will record him abusing his powers Then i would ask someone higher then him if we can talk, then i will provide the proof/footage of him abusing his powers so someone higher then that staff member can talk to that player/Staff and he/she would get demoted or even banned if necessary. d2) During a sit, you see someone outside of the sit Mass RDMing. How do you handle the situation? I would jail him so he can't Mass RDM anyone else and then i would go deal with that player, this is a punishment of 2 weeks I would go back to my sit and Apologize and continue with my sit. d3) Only two other players are online, and they're building in the streets. I would politely ask them to stop and if they don't, It will lead to a punishment of a warn/verbal warn or even necessary a kick.
  5. Hey devs you guys should put new stuff in the game like more jobs bigger map bigger server capacity fix the lag more cars new miners/printers. Just more stuff to make it more enjoyable and more people on the server.
  6. a1) What is your in-game (RP) name? patchee a2) Provide a link to your Steam profile. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198401483642/ a3) What is your Discord Tag? (ie: SomeUser#1234) patchee#8305 a4) What timezone are you located in?EST a5) How many in-game warns do you have?1 a6) Have you ever been banned? If so, explain why?No i have never been banned from XenoRP a7) Do you have any prior staffing experience? If so, where? Admin PlayFreerp they did a reset so not anymore, Mod on crew conflict And 1 more Please answer these questions with your honest opinion. b1) Why do you want to volunteer for XenoRP? I want to volunteer for XENORP for many reasons, I want make the XENORP experience more enjoyble and postive, And i would be mostly active and i would be a good staff member. b2) If you were to get accepted, what do you think would make you a good moderator? I have been playing RP for about 3 years and i have prior staffing experience on a couple of RP servers and i have the potential to talk with other players reasonably and i want it to be better experience for the players. Please provide descriptive answers for the following questions: c1) Define RDM/RDA and describe how players who perform those actions should be punished. RDM, RANDOM DEATH MATCH this is when a player kills another player for no reason. It will lead to a warn or a verbal warn. RDA random arrest this is when a police or swat arrests someone for no reason and there is diffrent types of RDA mass RDA or even for revenge. and this will lead to a warn/verbal warn. c2) Explain "NLR" and provide examples of instances in which it is violated. NLR [NEW LIFE RULE] Nlr is when a player gets raided or killed and then returns back to there recent location with out waiting the respectful of 2 minutes or 120 seconds or when the player is over with the raid. If a theif goes and raids a base and then kills the player inside and the player that he killed comes back to get revenge. this will lead to a warn/verbal warn or even necessary a kick. c3) Define "metagame" and provide examples of its occurrence. MetaGame is when the players character makes use of knowledge and that player is aware, But the player is not mean't to be aware. example: Say if a swat officer gets informed a base is getting raided and then the swat puts a warrent on the player so he can get arrested, the swat did not see the raid happening so they are not allowed to place warrants without seeing the raid/crime happen. Please explain how you would handle each of these situations: d1) You see a higher up is abusing their powers to the highest severity, how do you react? I would press record and until he leaves or stops i will provide the proof of the abuse so he can get demoted or even banned. d2) During a sit, you see someone outside of the sit Mass RDMing. How do you handle the situation? I would jail him so he can’t RDM anyone else then, I would ban him for 2 weeks for mass rdming and finish with my sit. d3) Only two other players are online, and they're building in the streets. I would ask them to please stop buliding on the streets this is gonna be your verbal waring if i catch you buliding again you will get a warn or even if necessary a kick/ban
  7. Honestly this is the best server I’ve played on everyone is chill we got good staff and everything but usually most of the time there is barely or even no staff and I get RDM’ed and nothing happens but the server is amazing I love it I would give a 5 out of 5.
  8. a1) What is your in-game (RP) name? [KG] PATCHEE a2) Provide a link to your Steam profile. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198401483642/ a3) What is your Discord Tag? (ie: SomeUser#1234) PATCHEE#8305 a4) What timezone are you located in? GMT-4 a5) How many in-game warns do you have? 1 a6) Have you ever been banned? If so, explain why?No i have never been banned on this server a7) Do you have any prior staffing experience? If so, where?yes mod in crew conflict and sometimes I learn from sitting in sits Please answer these questions with your honest opinion. b1) Why do you want to volunteer for XenoRP? i think i would be a good help and if anyone need help im always here b2) If you were to get accepted, what do you think would make you a good moderator?i play alot of gmod now and i no all of the rules and i can help and tell people if they make mistakes. Please provide descriptive answers for the following questions: c1) Define RDM/RDA and describe how players who perform those actions should be punished.random death match random arrest people breaking this rule will be warned and if they keep on doing it i will kick or ban if need to do so. c2) Explain "NLR" and provide examples of instances in which it is violated. nlr new life rule NLR is when a person gets raided or killed and returns back to there location without waiting the the right time of 2 minutes or 120 seconds or when the raid is complete. If I am raiding a player on the server and I kill them and they return to get revenge when I am raiding that is breaking NLR. c3) Define "metagame" and provide examples of its occurrence. meta gaming is when a players character makes use of knowledge that the person is aware of but that the player is not meant to be aware of example, a base is being raided and you a police officer see in chat a raid advert then police officer then puts a warrant on the person who is raiding so they can arrest them Because the police officer did not see the raid happening they are not allowed to place the warrant because they did not see the crime taking place. Please explain how you would handle each of these situations: d1) You see a higher up is abusing their powers to the highest severity, how do you react? you stand by and record and show it to someone higher then him. d2) During a sit, you see someone outside of the sit Mass RDMing. How do you handle the situation?ban the person thats rdming and i dont have to do the sit. d3) Only two other players are online, and they're building in the streets.i will ask them to stop and if they dont it will lead to a warn then kick.or even if it’s necessary a ban and i help people when i am not mod
  9. a1) What is your in-game (RP) name? [KG] PATCHEE a2) Provide a link to your Steam profile. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198401483642/ a3) What is your Discord Tag? (ie: SomeUser#1234) PATCHEE#8305 a4) What timezone are you located in? GMT-4 a5) How many in-game warns do you have? 1 a6) Have you ever been banned? If so, explain why?No i have never been banned on this server a7) Do you have any prior staffing experience? If so, where?yes mod in crew conflict and sometimes I learn from sitting in sits Please answer these questions with your honest opinion. b1) Why do you want to volunteer for XenoRP? i think i would be a good help and if anyone need help im always here b2) If you were to get accepted, what do you think would make you a good moderator?i play alot of gmod now and i no all of the rules and i can help and tell people if they make mistakes. Please provide descriptive answers for the following questions: c1) Define RDM/RDA and describe how players who perform those actions should be punished.random death match random arrest people breaking this rule will be warned and if they keep on doing it i will kick or ban if need to do so. c2) Explain "NLR" and provide examples of instances in which it is violated. nlr new life rule NLR is when a person gets raided or killed and returns back to there location without waiting the the right time of 2 minutes or 120 seconds or when the raid is complete. If I am raiding a player on the server and I kill them and they return to get revenge when I am raiding that is breaking NLR. c3) Define "metagame" and provide examples of its occurrence. meta gaming is when a players character makes use of knowledge that the person is aware of but that the player is not meant to be aware of example, a base is being raided and you a police officer see in chat a raid advert then police officer then puts a warrant on the person who is raiding so they can arrest them Because the police officer did not see the raid happening they are not allowed to place the warrant because they did not see the crime taking place. Please explain how you would handle each of these situations: d1) You see a higher up is abusing their powers to the highest severity, how do you react? you stand by and record and show it to someone higher then him. d2) During a sit, you see someone outside of the sit Mass RDMing. How do you handle the situation?ban the person thats rdming and i dont have to do the sit. d3) Only two other players are online, and they're building in the streets.i will ask them to stop and if they dont it will lead to a warn then kick.or even if it’s necessary a ban
  10. I forgot I need to wait 2 weeks I’m sorry but was it good Ravoi how do I delete this topic my real mod app is the one that says mod app thanks a lot gibby
  11. a1) What is your in-game (RP) name? [KG] PATCHEE a2) Provide a link to your Steam profile. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198401483642/ a3) What is your Discord Tag? (ie: SomeUser#1234) PATCHEE#8305 a4) What timezone are you located in? GMT-4 a5) How many in-game warns do you have? 1 a6) Have you ever been banned? If so, explain why?No i have never been banned on this server a7) Do you have any prior staffing experience? If so, where?yes mod in crew conflict and sometimes I learn from sitting in sits Please answer these questions with your honest opinion. b1) Why do you want to volunteer for XenoRP? i think i would be a good help and if anyone need help im always here b2) If you were to get accepted, what do you think would make you a good moderator?i play alot of gmod now and i no all of the rules and i can help and tell people if they make mistakes. Please provide descriptive answers for the following questions: c1) Define RDM/RDA and describe how players who perform those actions should be punished.random death match random arrest people breaking this rule will be warned and if they keep on doing it i will kick or ban if need to do so. c2) Explain "NLR" and provide examples of instances in which it is violated.new life rule someone kills him the other person is raiding and the person that got killed comes back and not waiting the time and he broke new life rule he will get warned c3) Define "metagame" and provide examples of its occurrence.say your a bar tender and you go mug someone thats out of character and your character does not have the requirements to do so. Please explain how you would handle each of these situations: d1) You see a higher up is abusing their powers to the highest severity, how do you react? you stand by and record and show it to someone higher then him. d2) During a sit, you see someone outside of the sit Mass RDMing. How do you handle the situation?ban the person thats rdming and i dont have to do the sit. d3) Only two other players are online, and they're building in the streets.there the only people so i will let them but if someone is getting annoyed by it i will ask them to stop.
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