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Jimble's Staff report against TEFFA


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Which staff member are you reporting:


Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior:

So, two guys had been harrassing me for about an hour because I was a cop and I was arresting them for having guns (which were illegal at the time). They had been minging for a while and had tried to RDM me and some other people on various occassions and generally were being a nuisance. So the sit began when I was arresting one of the duo for having a gun (we were by the tunnel in front of spawn), and the other player began to shoot at me and and the other cop I was with. We shot back, but he receeded into spawn so we just decided to taze him in spawn because he was breaking the rules and if there were many admins in the area they wouldve seen anyway. So after we arrest the other player, TEFFA appears cloaked and asks why we arrested the player in spawn and we explained what happened. TEFFA was very stand-offish and it seemed like he instantly just didnt believe us (I had no idea how long he'd been cloaked at spawn or if he teleported to us). So a while later, I finally get brought to a sit with the two players and TEFFA. The players were also being very blatantly passive aggressive and TEFFA just ignored it. I also have proof of a snippit of harassment after the sit but this is about TEFFA so ill come back to that later. So, TEFFA decides (with no form of evidence from either side) that I am not to be believed and I will be jailed for 200 seconds, even though it seemed pretty obvious I was in the right (One player was complaining about RDA, the other was about me "false arresting" which wasnt true. I had been arresting them for having guns, obviously, but apparently the logs were broken so they didnt show it). In the footage, which was at the end of the sit, TEFFA tells me the reason that I am being jailed for 200 seconds was for "them complaining a lot about me falsely arresting them (red flag #1, believing the victim over me with no evidence from either side.) and for there being no signs of  weapon checks in the logs (red flag #2, weapon checks dont always need to matter for me arresting them, and I told TEFFA this, they had their guns out most of the time.). I tell him to let me go and Ill record them harrassing me and them having guns. Next thing that happens is gold, and the video shows. They harass me for a while, I stop a pd raid, and then they try and kill me with a gun they pull out and they do even more harrassment. Honestly, everything just felt weird. TEFFA seemed like he was pandering to the two guys for no reason whatsoever and he let them blatantly insult me and harass me during the sit. And the fact that I was jailed for 200 seconds with literally no proof for something that couldnt have even been a reason at all was just enough to make me blow steam out of my ears.

Now onto the players. They had been harassing me for like an hour at that point and it was all because I was arresting them. During the sit, I told them if they cant handle being arrested that they shouldnt carry weapons that could get them arrested and they didnt listen. In the vid, you can see them blatantly shooting their starter weapons in front of me in the tunnel to get me to arrest them but I decided not to because it would be a hassle and I still had to record more. In the sit, it was almost PARODY-ESQUE that these guys were harassing me and insulting me and generally were only there to get me in trouble for no reason other than their selfish spite. They also said that I was arresting them right out of spawn, which if there is any form of location logs for arresting people, was absolutely untrue (The arrest I mentioned that was near the tunnel was after I died and respawned from a different thing and I had no idea how long that the player had been there I just weapon checked him and arrested him.). Another point they made was that I was arresting them for their starter weapons, which were still illegal but TEFFA seemed like he was supporting this claim for some reason? I dont know, he seemed supportive of everything these guys said but he never checked anything on them so yeah. Either way, I never once arrested them for their starter weapons because I dont like arresting people for their starter weapons. They both just had guns every time I arrested them. Thats about it, and I've seen other staff reports on TEFFA that seem the same as my situation.

The last thing I'd like to say is that TEFFA might have some sort of glitch with his logs, because in RoyGeeBiv's report TEFFA was seeming to go through the same thing where no weapon check logs were showing up at all. If he does, I'd totally understand because my party menu does the same thing (it doesnt show any current actual parties, it just shows random ones that no longer even actually exist).

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims:


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Hello, Jimbles

At the time I personnally cannot see the video evidence at this moment. I have requested access on google docs. I had witness you arresting the one player in spawn and I asked what was going on and you had responded saying the player was shooting at me and ran into spawn while I was making arrest on the other player. i just asked what was going on at the time I wasn't stand off ish I just asked what was going on. In weapon check logs every time you had weapon check the players it did not show the weapons they were spawned in with nor the weapons the mafia members had at the time. Yes, I understand you have physically witness them having the pistol out in there hands and shooting their guns were illegal on the DarkRP law system. After the player had been release from jail one had made a false RDA ticket. Before I had brought you to the sit the player explained to me that you had kept arresting him immediately out of spawn for having weapons out. Yes I understand during this arrest the players were in the tunnel and the other moved back towards spawn while shooting you police officers but In the logs it had shown you had arrested the one player multiple times within 30 minutes the first player that was being arrested made the ticket. I cannot see them have illegal weapons because again they do not show up in logs. I had jailed you during the situation to explain to you to please make sure you are arresting them for a vaild reason and not falsely arresting players and I had said please if you weapon check someone please show me what you see. You had been jailed for at most 30seconds and were unjailed after I had talked to you. You didn't sit inside the jail for the full 200 seconds. You never said anything about the players harassing you because in the sit the one was upset because he kept being arrested multiple times. I explained to both of them yes you can still be arrested for having weapons out or shooting at the time because it's agaiant the DarkRP laws I also explained to them they can also be arrested for having the starter weapons out and shooting the weapon off. Jimbles I had checked weapon logs and for the player you had been arresting and none of them showed me they had illegal weapons within the past hour. I am sorry I had interrupted your role playing scenario. I didn't warn you or ban you in this time because I don't have any evidence that they had weapons. You never told me you were being harressed by the players after the sit and you say they both contiuned to minge and shoot at you why haven't you made the ticket at the time. I explained to the godfather that he broke a rule on failrp within running back into spawn and the player didn't know he wasnt allowed to do this. I explained to the godfather he was wrong in the situation for running into spawn. I wasn't supporting any side I was just trying to figure out the situation that was going on during the time of this event. Sorry for the misunderstanding I was just trying to figure everything out.


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I didnt make a harassment ticket because the by the time of the sit I hadnt recorded any of it. When you asked me and nope why we arrested that guy in spawn you were like "well... he made an rda ticket" and you just sounded like you didnt believe us for one second. I was a small bit angry, so at the time my judgement was a little clouded, but I probably wouldve told you about the harassment and stuff if I hadnt had to record it first. I know you let me out of jail and I thought I said you did on the fourth line from the bottom of the first paragraph, but apparently I forgot to add so ill edit that in there. Still though, If I hadnt asked to be let go to record I would have been stuck in jail for no good reason. You just dont jail people when nothing actually has happened, though. There was no evidence (there shouldnt be any reason for you to believe their story any more than mine because they made multiple tickets about me false arresting. There was still no reason for me to be jailed in the first place because weapon check logs didnt prove anything nor did it deny anything.). Its like a cop taking a person straight to prison because his neighbor complained a lot about a "weed smell" coming from the persons back yard. Also, I repeat, I never arrested any of them for the gun they start with because its annoying when one of them calls a sit and I have no proof because a weapon check didnt show anything and Im not the kind of guy whos constantly recording and screenshotting everything just in case. I understand if it was a mistake, but just dont do that sort of stuff in the future. The only thing a mod can do worse than be biased is abuse their power.

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who were you in-game? also they annoyed the absolute shit out of me for about an hour or a half an hour. wasnt really offended but I was trying to be a cop when they were coming from left and right constantly berating me. sometimes they even tried to rdm me or mug me or some shit but I dont have that caught on tape.

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Hey Jimbles, thank you for creating a staff report! I have reviewed this with TEFFA, and here is the verdict:

  • TEFFA was trying to explain to you the situation, and that was the purpose for the jail. As carried out, you shouldn't have been punished.
  • The players who harassed you are now permanently banned.

If you have any questions, feel free to DM me. Thank you for helping moderate our moderators 🙂!


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