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Socke The Virgin Abloh

Issun The Wandering Artist

He banned me without any warning for "propblocking" and I had permission to make a wall that blocks off a little part of the map that people had to pay $1000 permanent fee that grants them passage, the permission for the wall to be built was from Lite (A moderator)

My friend sugondese was with me about to build also it was in staff chat and global chat around 8:25 and he said "Go for it I dont see why not"

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I never gave you permission to block off a part of the map. You never said anything about building a wall. If you told me you were planning on prop blocking everyone on the server I would of said no. From what I remember you asked me if you could build a base as a hobo on the sidewalk and charge people to enter which I was totally fine with.

Edited by Lite
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No, you cannot build in the street or propblock. He was right to ban you for that.

You're taking what Lite said out of context and attempting to use it malicously.


To clear up the misconceptions. No, you may not build in the street under any circumstances.

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