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New jobs/npc

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So I'm not sure how people will feel about this but i wanna give it a try. So i understand we have the weed dealer and the meth cook job but i want something else like this. We have only had these 2 thing to make money off of by making something and selling it to players or a npc. It's kinda old and boring because we have had these for over 2 years and i want something new and fun. Not sure if people would agree but here are jobs like pill makers or farmers that can heal or give boost like the pill makers can make stuff for like reduced damage or health regeneration or they can just sell the pills. Same thing for the farmer who can grow food and sell it for food or use it as a healing item. Not sure if there are other jobs like this but if there is post a link or something because i just want some kind of new job that is in the rang where you grow/make something then sell it to a npc for money.

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