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Trinity and Aperino


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Your In-Game (RP) name:  Morgz Mum

Player's In-Game (RP) name: Trinity and Aperino

Player's Steam ID:

Trinity STEAM_0:0:101350
Aperino STEAM_0:1:174757386

Describe how the player broke the rules:

Trinity: Climbed into a car while I was killing him to avoid death. I originally thought he wasn't involved in the megabase so I left him alone but he just came back and killed me at the end.

Aperino: Has 3 fading doors on a megabase entrance, with way more than 2 fading windows that are attached to the same button. The 3rd fading door doesn't even have a keypad attached. Have no idea who gave this guy his megabase approval. Also I am aware it is a "ramp" but it blocks the entryway when it's open and you can walk through it, so it is deemed a fading door.

Evidence of the player breaking the rules:

(I advert raid after entering because it was not me who placed TNT. I was explosive dealer once and someone who bought an explosive from me randomly used it.)





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The ramp had a button on the other side so you didn't have to lock pick it, if you just looked on the outside part of the base before you went in, you would've seen a button that was clearly labeled "inner bridge" or something like that. Also, I believe that it was Smoke who gave us perms to build this megabase, and Kil attempted to raid the megabase and didn't have any problems with it.

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15 minutes ago, Aperino2K -iwnl- c4c said:

The ramp had a button on the other side so you didn't have to lock pick it, if you just looked on the outside part of the base before you went in, you would've seen a button that was clearly labeled "inner bridge" or something like that. Also, I believe that it was Smoke who gave us perms to build this megabase, and Kil attempted to raid the megabase and didn't have any problems with it.

A button on the other side is not any better because to enter the megabase you still need to lockpick the ramp. The only good thing this does for raiders is lets them out of the base easily, not entering.

The ramp had fences on both sides too so you cannot go around either. This is a fading door like all fading doors because you need to lockpick it to get through and it is walk-throughable.

Kil and others may not have had problems raiding but your megabase does violate rules, Kil himself agreed. I'm not sure if the megabase was approved as-is and Smoke didn't see it or if you added it after it was approved.


Edited by Setro
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Hi Setro, thank you for creating a player report! @Aperino2K -iwnl- c4c, your base is illegal; please make sure you reduce the amount of fading doors you have next time you play. For the second guy, it only counts if the car is destroyed (on fire and unmovable). Have a good day!

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