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Rice Cooker


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: Meep

Which staff member are you reporting: Rice Cooker

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: Breaking NLR

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: In the first photo, you can see where rice cooker's body was(by the name) which gives a general sense of where he died, as well as chat, you can estimate when he died. ~16:27:53. In the 2nd picture you can see he's back in the same area by 16:28:26.

Idk anymore, im bored.jpg

Mod no no.png

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Hi Meep, Thanks For Submitting A Report.
The evidence that has been provided only shows a small portion of the story. Prior to my dead shown in the first picture my explosives table had been stolen by DoubleOLink and was then shoved into the hotel where I proceeded to kill DoubleOLink then attempt to retrieve  my table when I was shot by DoubleOLink's party member. While NLR states that a player musn't return to their site of death I was trying to RP as an explosives dealer and unlike every other merchant, I am unable to RP without my explosives table. I return to the hotel not to attempt to raid or kill any of the party members but to ask if I could re-obtain my table so I am able to return to RP elsewhere. 

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6 minutes ago, Rice Cooker said:

Hi Meep, Thanks For Submitting A Report.
The evidence that has been provided only shows a small portion of the story. Prior to my dead shown in the first picture my explosives table had been stolen by DoubleOLink and was then shoved into the hotel where I proceeded to kill DoubleOLink then attempt to retrieve  my table when I was shot by DoubleOLink's party member. While NLR states that a player musn't return to their site of death I was trying to RP as an explosives dealer and unlike every other merchant, I am unable to RP without my explosives table. I return to the hotel not to attempt to raid or kill any of the party members but to ask if I could re-obtain my table so I am able to return to RP elsewhere. 

Howdy, thank you for replying

"While NLR states that a player "musn't" return to their site of death I was trying to RP as an explosive dealer and unlike every other merchant, I am unable to RP without my explosives table. I return to the hotel not to attempt to raid or kill any of the party members but to ask if I could re-obtain my table so I am able to return to RP elsewhere. "

  • So because you are an explosive dealer and had your table stolen that gives you just to go break NLR?
  • NLR is NLR regardless if you try to raid or kill members
  • And you couldn't of waited an additional 1:27 to go back and retrieve your table?
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I am not stating that because someone's table was stolen that gives them the right to break NLR. I am merely expressing my reasoning for returning to talk to the base members. I had also died within the base and the first picture shows where my rag doll landed, not where I was shot and ultimately killed. I note this because I remained outside the base to speak to the members instead of going inside again to try to physgun my table out once more. To address your last point I was waiting outside that base for NLR to conclude for me to try to run in an get my table while discussing with the base members if I could. I did not enter the building in which I had died and did not discussed any information regarding my death.

Edited by Rice Cooker
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1 minute ago, Rice Cooker said:

I am not stating that because someone's table was stolen that gives them the right to break NLR. I am merely expressing my reasoning for returning to talk to the base members. I had also died within the base and the first picture shows where my rag doll landed, not where I was shot and ultimately killed. I note this because I remained outside the base to speak to the members instead of going inside again to try to physgun my table out once more. To address your last point I was waiting outside that base for NLR to conclude for me to try to run in an get my table while discussing with the base members if I could. I did not enter the building in which I had died and not discussed any information regarding my death.

"I had also died within the base and the first picture shows where my rag doll landed, not where I was shot and ultimately killed."

  • My apologies, so you were closer to where you died, got it. 

"I note this because I remained outside the base to speak to the members instead of going inside again to try to physgun my table out once more. To address your last point I was waiting outside that base for NLR to conclude for me to try to run in an get my table while discussing with the base members if I could. I did not enter the building in which I had died and not discussed any information regarding my death."

  • You were still in the same general area of which you died, so is NLR now based on either if you were inside or out? and not the area in which you were killed?

"Players may not remember any aspect of their former life after death."

  • You also went and talked about getting your table back, which you're not supposed to remember, because it was stolen, then you were killed. You're not supposed to remember any aspect of your former life, including your table being stolen.

"I am not stating that because someone's table was stolen that gives them the right to break NLR. I am merely expressing my reasoning for returning to talk to the base members"

  • So your reasoning is that you broke NLR to talk to the people who killed you and stole your table? that's still breaking NLR.
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I noted the location difference because I specifically remained outside to avoid breaking NLR. I consider the building as the buffer for NLR. This being similar to someone waiting outside their base until raiders are finished ransacking their things. To address the discussion regarding the table there are some things to note. After my death if I do not have my table then there isn't anything I can do if I were to abide by NLR to that extent. I would be unable to re-obtain my table by raiding because I am a merchant. I would be unable to change classes or I may be accused of switching classes to re-obtain my table. I would just have to be an explosive dealer that can't create or distribute explosives. You question my actions asking why I couldn't have waited for an additional 1:27 to go back and retrieve my table. I inform you that I returned to their base to ask if I could have my table back. You rebut this by saying that it would still be breaking NLR. I understand that my returning to the area and discussing may be considered NLR but I would consider these special circumstances and there was not much I could do beyond what was done. Moreover, I have to note that no one was negatively affected. I did not kill or disrupt RP for anyone in that base or for you in that exchange.

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44 minutes ago, Rice Cooker said:

I noted the location difference because I specifically remained outside to avoid breaking NLR. I consider the building as the buffer for NLR. This being similar to someone waiting outside their base until raiders are finished ransacking their things. To address the discussion regarding the table there are some things to note. After my death if I do not have my table then there isn't anything I can do if I were to abide by NLR to that extent. I would be unable to re-obtain my table by raiding because I am a merchant. I would be unable to change classes or I may be accused of switching classes to re-obtain my table. I would just have to be an explosive dealer that can't create or distribute explosives. You question my actions asking why I couldn't have waited for an additional 1:27 to go back and retrieve my table. I inform you that I returned to their base to ask if I could have my table back. You rebut this by saying that it would still be breaking NLR. I understand that my returning to the area and discussing may be considered NLR but I would consider these special circumstances and there was not much I could do beyond what was done. Moreover, I have to note that no one was negatively affected. I did not kill or disrupt RP for anyone in that base or for you in that exchange.

"I noted the location difference because I specifically remained outside to avoid breaking NLR. I consider the building as the buffer for NLR. This being similar to someone waiting outside their base until raiders are finished ransacking their things. "

  • Yea except when a person goes back to their base to wait for a raider to finish, they arne't RPing at ALL, you were there trying to get back your explosive table.

"After my death if I do not have my table then there isn't anything I can do if I were to abide by NLR to that extent. I would be unable to re-obtain my table by raiding because I am a merchant. I would be unable to change classes or I may be accused of switching classes to re-obtain my table."

  • All I can respond to that is that sucks ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

"You question my actions asking why I couldn't have waited for an additional 1:27 to go back and retrieve my table. I inform you that I returned to their base to ask if I could have my table back. You rebut this by saying that it would still be breaking NLR. I understand that my returning to the area and discussing may be considered NLR but I would consider these special circumstances and there was not much I could do beyond what was done. Moreover, I have to note that no one was negatively affected. I did not kill or disrupt RP for anyone in that base or for you in that exchange."

  • So now classes have special perks and can bend the rules? It doesn't matter what your job was and it doesn't matter if no ones rp was disrupted, a person kills his friend, neither disrupted RP, but it's still RDM
Edited by Meep
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I provided the information to show that the situation that unfolded held special circumstances. Even you're unable to recommend any actions to take. I would argue that certain aspects of the rules needed to be reinterpreted to allow both parties to continue role playing on the server. I noted that no one was harmed or interrupted to show how inconsequential the exchange was. 

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47 minutes ago, Rice Cooker said:

I provided the information to show that the situation that unfolded held special circumstances. Even you're unable to recommend any actions to take. I would argue that certain aspects of the rules needed to be reinterpreted to allow both parties to continue role playing on the server. I noted that no one was harmed or interrupted to show how inconsequential the exchange was. 

"Even you're unable to recommend any actions to take. I would argue that certain aspects of the rules needed to be reinterpreted to allow both parties to continue role playing on the server."

  • Uhh I didn't recommend any because you didn't ask? But an idea would be to maybe place your explosive table in a shop? where you have actual defenses and can protect against thieves?

"I noted that no one was harmed or interrupted to show how inconsequential the exchange was. "

  • A rule was still broken.
Edited by Meep
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