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Your In-Game (RP) Name: neonixfox

Which staff member are you reporting: hunt

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: he rdmed me also im sure he removed he's freind warn about rdming me 

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: mike wheeler told me that convoy have no warns about rdm and i forgot his name but he warned convoy and im sure hunt removed his freind warn

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Congratulations on being my first staff report! Hooray!

Just saying, your in-game name prior to this report was bush (something I forgot what it was, I think it was man).

I just want to point out a couple things...

1. The first time I killed you, you weapon checked me. This is considered an attack, where I can kill you.

2. The second time I killed you, I mugged you and CONVOY got the final shot.

3. Mike Wheeler didn't take the sit and warn CONVOY, JosephKY did. I talked with Joseph and explained the situation, resulting in us removing the warn (Styles can bear witness). You also lied about dropping the money, in which you only dropped 20k about 50 minutes prior to the mug. 

I hope you understand the situation that happened. If you have questions, DM me on discord or post them here. Thank you!

Edited by Doctor Hunt
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Hi Neonix, thank you for creating a staff report! Due to the lack of evidence, and the reply, I will have to side with Doctor Hunt on this case. If any more evidence arises, please create a new staff report 🙂


Have a good day!


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