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Report on Jeck


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: Cletus

Which staff member are you reporting: jeck

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: I was targeting a person that I had a hit on and found him on the roof and figured he was just hiding up there with some other people. Once I started shooting, one of them (the staff member) ended up pulling me in with his physgun , jailed me, and then proceeded to ask me why I was RDMing. I told him that I had a hit on the person. Then he tells me that they are in a sit, which I was unaware of and I thought they just got onto the roof by jumping onto it from another building or something. He then continues to assume that I was RDMing and proceeds to say "you know what, Im just gonna ban you" then bans me for 5 days.


I understand that I have past offenses on the server but banning someone for 5 days for something that should've just ended in a warn and maybe 2-5 minutes of jail time seems pretty excessive.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims:  CoalColoredHuskey was my target. If you check logs, you might be able to find that I did have a hit on him and that my bullets only damaged him and no one else.

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Hey Cleatus, I'm sorry that you believe that this ban was unjust but you tired to kill someone in my sit. When you tried to kill him I brought you over and jailed you. I told you that you can't try kill try him even if you had a hit on him because I was in a sit with coal so there was no RP going on (I said it was ARDM not RDM). I was going to warn you besides this but then you tried to argue with me which made me decide to ban you.

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