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Admiral Goat's Staff Application

Admiral Goat

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a1) What is your in-game (RP) name? - Admiral Goat

a2) Provide a link to your Steam profile. - https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198255812292/

a3) What is your Discord Tag? (ie: SomeUser#1234) - Admiral Goat#3330

a4) What timezone are you located in? - PST

a5) How many in-game warns do you have? - None

a6) Have you ever been banned? If so, explain why. - No

a7) Do you have any prior staffing experience? If so, where? -
SPD SCP-RP: Administrator
MSG Star Wars-RP: Administrator
Zephyr Servers Star Wars-RP: Administrator
Chungus Gaming Kingdom-RP: Head Moderator
There are others but these have been my most impacting experiences.

Please answer these questions with your honest opinion.
b1) Why do you want to volunteer for XenoRP? - It makes me feel gratified whenever I am able to help other players have fun, which is the first reason why anyone plays video games. Personally, I take an indirect approach to my fun, instead of satisfying it first, I try to create instances where others can enjoy themselves without me shooting them and getting a kick out of their misery. In the situation of having another player interfere by breaking server rules to satisfy their own fun without consideration for others, I am normally at a lost. There is only so much normal players can do to defend their right to have fun from assholes, which is why I am grateful for server moderation; they are the watchful eye who are dedicated to the sole purpose of defending a player's right to have fun while getting around that physical barrier that players trip on so often. I enjoy the feeling of contributing to something bigger than my own personal desires, which is why I want to volunteer for XenoRP.

b2) If you were to get accepted, what do you think would make you a good moderator? - I am a level-headed individual who does not take the status of a staff member superficially, after all, it is a video game; taking a virtual position so serious would only make me look foolish in front of others, so being a staff member does not elevate my perspective of myself in any way, other than the fact that I am able to easily help others. I follow the three C's of life: calm, cool and collected; being calm and focused are always two of the first things I check off in any situation, and using these traits during a staff sit is no exception. As stated prior, acting frustrated or presenting yourself as someone who is easily angered or bothered by things will not only make a person look like a tool, but enlarge the target for others to get a kick out of your expense. And as I am sure most applicants exclaim, I enjoy staying up late at night, and am willing to take on the responsibility of the night shift for moderation.

Please provide descriptive answers for the following questions:

c1) Define RDM/RDA and describe how players who perform those actions should be punished. - "Random Death Match" or RDM is the act of initiating a fight with no applicable reason to said fight. An example would be a player pulling out a gun or fist(for that any weapon) and attack the another player who in no way antagonized the other player, or even knew who the player was. In this situation, it is dependent on severity; if the player only attacked the other player or killed the player, depending on prior offenses, I would offer a verbal warning, and explain how you could be ruining the opportunities of the other player to enjoy themselves. In more severe cases such as Mass RDM or multiple prior offenses, I would give anything from a physical warning to a ban, as at that point, they are willingly trying to ruin other peoples' experiences. "Random Death Arrest" or RDA is the act of playing as a member of the law on the server(such as police) and arresting another player who has not broken any law on the law board and has not provoked the officer. Dealing with this situation is quite simple, I find it worst than RDM because it forces the player into a box when they have done nothing wrong for a period of time, so normally I do give a physical warning, with few exceptions of ignorance

c2) Explain "NLR" and provide examples of instances in which it is violated. - "New Life Rule" or "NLR" is the fundamental rule for role play, exclaiming that after you die, you are unable to remember anything short-term in your prior life. This can include: not going back to where you died, holding grudges against those who killed you, or killing the person who killed you. It's not the rule itself that is bad, but it is the act of breaking NLR that is a violation. This rule is the one I see most often broken, in which the one who has offended is absent-minded of the meaning; I typically give a verbal warning to inexperienced players or to those who have a clean record, but if they have a prior offense of breaking NLR, I issue a physical warn.

c3) Define "metagame" and provide examples of its occurrence. - Metagame is the act of using information against another that you could not have possibly known in a role play environment, and is difficult for inexperienced players to grasp at times. An example of this would be transferring information through  OOC or "Out Of Character" via Discord or any other external communication from the role play environment, and then using that information to influence your actions in role play. Metagame is not often broken, so when faced with a situation such as the one described prior, I would give a physical warn, with even fewer exceptions for ignorance than those who randomly arrest.

Please explain how you would handle each of these situations:
d1) You see a higher up is abusing their powers to the highest severity, how do you react? - In most cases, I would take a direct approach and try to talk sense into my higher up; however, in the most severe cases, I would attempt to obtain evidence of them abusing their powers, be it video/photo evidence, or evidence from the logs. After obtaining proper evidence I would contact the higher authority of the higher up abusing, and calmly explain the situation, and get assurance that he is abusing his powers to gain an advantage over others or attempting to ruin the experiences of players. After that, I could only leave it to the person I sent the information to act on it. If that higher up is the server owner, then I would just leave the server, once the brain is corrupted the rest of the operation is busted and there is nothing I could do other than ask him to please stop.

d2) During a sit, you see someone outside of the sit Mass RDMing. How do you handle the situation? - I would contact other staff online who are not busy to to deal with the player Mass RDMing, this is in the most simple case. In the situation that I am the only staff member on, I would simply jailtp him to the roof that I am handling my sit on, far away enough that he is out of voice-range. This is a simple stitch, and even simpler if he leaves the server after being jailed, which is often the case.

d3) Only two other players are online, and they're building in the streets. - If there are only two players on and they are not interfering witch each other or clashing, I would let them build, as preventing them from doing so not only ruins their fun when they are not obstructing others, and it is just silly. Stopping them would borderline the mindset of a staff member who take their position too seriously, if they're having fun, are not ruining anyone else's fun and are not trying to exploit or crash the server, I see no reason to interfere, other than maybe a small warning to not be audacious with their building

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Hi, Admiral Goat thanks for applying 


Active on the server 

good mod app 

seems the know the rules 


Didn’t put the NLR timer on c2

In conclusion im giving a Neutral leaning towards a +1

again thanks for applying 

hope to see you on the team 

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