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Uh oh rice man that wasnt very cool


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: uh oh / kahow/ reporter kahow

Which staff member are you reporting: Rice cooker

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: he force demoted me for unlocking a pd door to get inside as juggernaut because he wanted it locked. ( also cause i demoted the mayor and he was mad about that)

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: "18:34:54 - [Senior Moderator] Rice Cooker Forcefully demoted You" 


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At this time the reason I demoted you was not due to the fact that you had demoted the mayor. That is part of the role play and that did not influence the decision to demote you. The reason I did decide to demote you was due to the fact you had said previously that you were going to take over the government and have performed multiple actions that had not been reasonable for a member of the government. During a raid in which someone was attempting to raid pd I had lock the prison door in an effort to protect the mayor. You proceeded to walk over and unlock the door even though I had expressed my wishes for it to be closed. After the PD raid concluded you then unlocked all cell doors and I saw that as an abuse of your position as an officer. I can admit that demoting you may have been an unnecessary action but your actions at that time showed to me that you had no intention of role play but rather minging. I do apologize if I interrupted you role play but I felt at the time it was a needed action.

Edited by Rice Cooker
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