Scrubudubdub Posted June 29, 2020 Share Posted June 29, 2020 i am in the xeno discord guild i am VERY VERY active on xeno dark rp i have a working microphone rpname Scrubudubdub link to steam profile:https: discord tag scrubudubdub#2843 timezone: Eastern Daylight Time i have 10 in game warns but 0 active warns i got banned for nitrp and not listening to staff i have prior mod expieriance from moderating/owning a minecraft server b1)why do you want to volunteer for Xeno Darkrp response : so i can stop the chaos that occurs late at night like when i was on once i saw several accounts of mass rdm nitrp fail rp prop spam and prop block it was crazy b2) if you were accepted what do you think would make you a good moderator? response: i think that i would bring peace to the server and make it overall a good environment to be in for me and the players alike c1) define rdm and rda and describe how players who perform these actions should be punished response: rdm is random death match meaning that a player walks up to a player and just kills them for no intended purpose i would warn them for rdm but if they kill 3 or more people for no reason i would ban them for 2 weeks for mass rdm or if its still one but they kill the player again in the sit i would ban them for rdm in a sit for two week. rda is random arrest meaning a cop arrests a person for no reason just walks up to them cuffs them and arrests them and if it continues i would ban them for 3 days c2) explain nlr and provide examples of instances in which it is violated response: nlr meaning new life rule states that when a player dies they can not come back to the location they died for 10 minutes and they have to forget everything that happened that means if your a cop and you die during a pd raid you cant make the player who killed you during the raid wanted for murder that would break the forget everything aspect of nlr c3) define metagaming response: metagaming is when you kill someone or deny someone something for someone because of there rp an instance of this is when your a hitman and you have a hit but someone just kills u because they suspect that you have a hit on them when you dont have a gun out or anything d1) you see a higher up is abusing powers to the highest severity how do you react response: i would report them on the forums and either contact another admin or the owners themselves d2) During a sit you see someone mass rdming how do you handle the situation response: i jail the player and ban them for 2 weeks and resume the sit i am in d3) 2 other players are online and they are building in the streets what is your response response: if there hobos i would let them be but if there anyother lass exept that i would tp to them and explain y they need to get rid of it or move locations Link to comment
Be1ial Posted June 30, 2020 Share Posted June 30, 2020 Hi, Scrubudubdub. Thanks for applying Pros: None Cons: Mod apps looks rushed I dont see you active in game been banned for NITRP In conclusion im going with a -1 from me Again, thanks for applying Link to comment
Saddy Posted July 4, 2020 Share Posted July 4, 2020 Denied Not ready for staff | Many past bans/warns Please reapply in two weeks. Link to comment
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