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Simon04 Admin Abuse

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Your In-Game (RP) Name: Goph

Which staff member are you reporting: Simon04

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: Banned me for throwing the item given to me on hobo, said I was "minging" for playing my role properly and didn't even warn me before ban.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: I tried talking to other mods in the area and before they could respond I was banned

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I would just like to say that you and your big group of friends where minging  and being quite rude to me Kil and Moo and you kept on camera Spamming after we told you to stop multiple times and you then kept on Prop climbing and you just kept being rude to others and you tried to be a suck up to the 2 S-Mod's saying how much you could pay them to get you demoted  and banned from the server.

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