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Report on Miracle


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: LG Fone

Which staff member are you reporting: Miracle 

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: During a sit that Miracle claimed, a player named LeGiiT RDM'd another player who was also present. Rather than giving the appropriate punishment for his actions which is a 5 day ban, Miracle instead gave LeGiiT a warning. NOTE there were higher ranked staff members online and on duty at the time that could have banned LeGiiT on behalf of Miracle.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims:

chat evidence 01.png

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Hey, just wanted to point you out that he'S new to the game, he had a few hour, i told him about it, he told me to warn him, in my opinion it was better teaching him to not do that ever again(because hes new) than rather straight up banning him and taking the risk of him doing it again, i am confident in my decision, for me it was the best thing, but still thanks for you opinion i appreciate it a lot 🙂

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Hello, OJN I was there at the time and keep in mind he is a Trial Mod he is still learning how to do certain things and learn the correct and right punishments and the warn will be removed and the Ban will go in play.

Edited by Simon04
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