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Kil/Rice Cooker staff abuse


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: Excalibur

Which staff member are you reporting: Kil

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior:

Hello. Before I dive into this, I want to clear some things up. For one, I’m writing this on my own behalf, not on the support of anyone else. I’m writing this due to the fact that a group of moderators have been slowly gaining power in the server and have been using it to their advantage to abuse. However, I am going to use evidence given from others to assist me while writing this. Evidence has been provided by KUSHMANE, along with words by myself, testimonies provided by other users on XenoRP such as Wii, and more. I hope this forum post can show the real side of the moderator Kil, along with the friend group they have with other moderators that all abuse ingame for each other. I do not expect this to get anywhere, as the many other attempts we’ve done to bring light on said users have been ignored, and sometimes even silenced in an attempt to keep the reputation of this group of moderators clean. Many of the moderators, even if they don’t contribute to the main group of 3, have defended said moderators despite their obvious abuse on the XenoRP server. Many people have witnessed the abuse these moderators bring upon the server, and I’m here to shed some light on it as it continues to get ignored by the higher ranking in the staff team. At the time of writing this, I am unavailable to provide Discord proof due to reasons I will explain later. With that out of the way, I will now explain my side and the side of others about this moderator. A senior moderator on XenoRP known as Kil has been gaining popularity negatively throughout the community due to the way they play with the rules instead of by them. Player KUSHMANE (who is currently serving a ban for ‘minge’ by Kil) screenshotted their experience with Kil when they attempted to create their own rule just to put them in the wrong. A common occurrence is that this group of moderators will make the excuse “It doesn’t have to be in the MOTD to be considered a rule,” however this is simply untrue and is only used as a way to protect them from being considered the villain in the situation. Another occurrence of this is when KUSHMANE and another user by the name of Wii put up textscreens containing immature words such as porn, penis, etc. Despite it not being in the MOTD, these signs were immediately removed and given the excuse “there’s children on our server.” The game is rated M by several companies because of the nature of it. People swear in chat all of the time. There’s no problem here. But Kil, along with another member of the abusive group by the name of Rice Cooker, removed, filtered, and even banned people for putting these signs up on Hobo despite them doing nothing wrong. There’s more to Kil, though. There’s even the point that Kil is suspected of owning cheats to impact their gameplay. It is known Kil has access to an AutoBhop script, and uses it to their advantage off-duty, even if they say they don’t. To bring me to my next point, Kil and his group of friends will do anything to silence anything related to their removal, including removing textscreens that are harming nobody and banning users from the Discord if they mention things Kil does. I myself was banned from the XenoRP Discord for posting a petition related to the removal of Kil because it had proof of him bending rules to gain an unfair advantage during an argument. Only minutes later, I was banned from Xeno itself for 'NITRP' because I had simply shown links to the petition. I hope this forum can show you the true side of Kil, however the admins will probably brush it off without actually reading it.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims:



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1 hour ago, Kil said:

Ok here's gonna be my POV I was on and I noticed they had been putting signs along the lines of "kil porn","porn","Loli Hentai" ETC I went up to them saying hey can you just remove the part where it says stuff that's explicit/obscene. They got mad and started questioning where the rules were that says it's not allowed I showed them the rules of obscene object's aren't allowed and that there's kid's playing and just to tone it down a bit and they decided to continuously put up textscreens that said "porn" or "penis" I told wii in a sit that I had with him If he does it again I'm gonna warn him and put him down he then put up a textscreen which said "PENlS" using a lowercase L instead of a i so it looked like the letter I I pulled him into another sit and warned him for "Obscene textscreen" cause I had told him not to do it. He was a pro thief running around the streets with a textscreen, I could've gone for minge but decided for a better choice of obscene textscreen.

That is my response from wii's staff report. Too add onto what I said in that report I do not cheat I have never used autobhop off duty and I have never used aimbot/wallhacks. There is 0 evidence of me cheating, Just because I can shoot and aim better does not mean I'm cheating I recommend spectating my games maybe then you can see that I don't cheat. And also I banned kush for his repeated mingery in game because he decides to instead of roleplay shit on staff members be a nuisance argue with staff and build on other peoples bases he was given many verbal warnings to stop and he never did so a ban was put in place I could've banned him for 5 days instead of 3 days but I figured it would be nice of me to just do 3. Clearly not since there's now 2 reports on me, To conclude my side everyone was given a fair chance to quit and they continued so bans/warns were given

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Hey Excalibur, 

Hopefully I can clear a few things up.

First of which, one of your concerns was that people were being "silenced". I think this refers to you and others trying to voice your concerns on the incorrect platforms. As our discord rules state, our discord isn't the place to argue about staff members wrong doings, or report players. That should be done on the forums. The same goes for the server. People are in game to have fun and interact with others. This again, isn't a platform to report staff members. The forums is the proper place to do so. Doing it anywhere other than the forums is obnoxious and a nuisance to other people who are trying to enjoy themselves. I know for sure that the people who were 'silenced' were directed to proper place to make a report and deal with the issue properly.

Secondly the other issue you were concerned about was moderators enforcing rules not specifically mentioned in the motd. At the end of the day, we cannot list every possible situation that might happen on the server in the motd. It's an entirely unreasonable expectation. This is why we trust our staff members judgement to make decisions about things that are not specifically mentioned. If you think a moderator abuses this and tries to enforce a rule that is unreasonable feel free to report the staff member on the forums for their decision, and we can hopefully find a solution to that issue.

In the instance you mentioned, the players were placing inappropriate signs all over the map. They were verbally asked to stop, yet they continued to do so. I personally don't think it's unreasonable for players to be asked not to plaster words like hentai, porn, etc. Even after the players were asked to stop, the continued to post these signs, and were cognitively aware what they were doing was wrong, and even went as far as to change things up to be defiant and toxic. Like writing "penls" instead of penis. Clearly they were aware what they were doing was wrong, yet the continued to do so anyone. This is a type of behavior that I certainly don't think should be encouraged or allowed. Just roleplay like intended, and don't make it your goal to be toxic and make staff members jobs harder at the end of the day.

Lastly to clear up the issue regarding the bhop scripting. It's not a script that gets injected client side. It's a command given to senior moderators, so it does not mean that he has actually injected a script into his game. Since it's a command, this also means that it's logged and we can see when the "bhop mode is activated" and when it's turned off. For reference, can you give me a rough estimate of when the bhoping off duty took place? I've looked over the past two weeks and was not able to find anything supporting this claim. You also made claims of aimbotting, if you have any proof of that feel free to collect and make a report.

If you have any other questions or anything is still not clear, feel free to reply.


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38 minutes ago, Zyngas said:

Hey Excalibur, 

Hopefully I can clear a few things up.

First of which, one of your concerns was that people were being "silenced". I think this refers to you and others trying to voice your concerns on the incorrect platforms. As our discord rules state, our discord isn't the place to argue about staff members wrong doings, or report players. That should be done on the forums. The same goes for the server. People are in game to have fun and interact with others. This again, isn't a platform to report staff members. The forums is the proper place to do so. Doing it anywhere other than the forums is obnoxious and a nuisance to other people who are trying to enjoy themselves. I know for sure that the people who were 'silenced' were directed to proper place to make a report and deal with the issue properly.

Secondly the other issue you were concerned about was moderators enforcing rules not specifically mentioned in the motd. At the end of the day, we cannot list every possible situation that might happen on the server in the motd. It's an entirely unreasonable expectation. This is why we trust our staff members judgement to make decisions about things that are not specifically mentioned. If you think a moderator abuses this and tries to enforce a rule that is unreasonable feel free to report the staff member on the forums for their decision, and we can hopefully find a solution to that issue.

In the instance you mentioned, the players were placing inappropriate signs all over the map. They were verbally asked to stop, yet they continued to do so. I personally don't think it's unreasonable for players to be asked not to plaster words like hentai, porn, etc. Even after the players were asked to stop, the continued to post these signs, and were cognitively aware what they were doing was wrong, and even went as far as to change things up to be defiant and toxic. Like writing "penls" instead of penis. Clearly they were aware what they were doing was wrong, yet the continued to do so anyone. This is a type of behavior that I certainly don't think should be encouraged or allowed. Just roleplay like intended, and don't make it your goal to be toxic and make staff members jobs harder at the end of the day.

Lastly to clear up the issue regarding the bhop scripting. It's not a script that gets injected client side. It's a command given to senior moderators, so it does not mean that he has actually injected a script into his game. Since it's a command, this also means that it's logged and we can see when the "bhop mode is activated" and when it's turned off. For reference, can you give me a rough estimate of when the bhoping off duty took place? I've looked over the past two weeks and was not able to find anything supporting this claim. You also made claims of aimbotting, if you have any proof of that feel free to collect and make a report.

If you have any other questions or anything is still not clear, feel free to reply.


Hey- Thanks for getting back to me.


Lastly to clear up the issue regarding the bhop scripting. It's not a script that gets injected client side. It's a command given to senior moderators, so it does not mean that he has actually injected a script into his game. Since it's a command, this also means that it's logged and we can see when the "bhop mode is activated" and when it's turned off. For reference, can you give me a rough estimate of when the bhoping off duty took place? I've looked over the past two weeks and was not able to find anything supporting this claim. You also made claims of aimbotting, if you have any proof of that feel free to collect and make a report.

As mentioned, some of my post are just allegations made by several other users I've talked to that I have included. Other members may be able to provide proof of these, however I had provided these out of the conversations of multiple XenoRP users.

About the MOTD issue, I understand however you have some time to add a rule that isn't on the MOTD. Said moderator was making up rules for their own personal advantage and it'd be much more useful to list rules in MOTD so they can't do that. The current rules in MOTD are usually the ones that are enforced the lowest compared to the ones that they 'did not have time to put into it.' I find this very flawed and I honestly think you should find a different way of running your rules system then to let your moderators make rules for themselves that nobody questions because the moderators can just use the excuse that it wasn't put in the MOTD.


the players were placing inappropriate signs all over the map.

I understand your point. Yes, they were being immature, however this issue started when one of your moderators started it by deleting a sign without reason or being asked to stop. The more they continued removing signs, the more people would spawn in. This also lies in the issue about the MOTD where it should be included if you're going to enforce it as much.

I'm honestly thinking both sides are in the wrong here. The moderation team needs to be worked on more and the users with signs were being immature. I understand that this server was made for people to have fun, but it's almost impossible to do that anymore with how the moderation team works. Kil is a very untrustable figure to the community of players on your server and even some people on the staff team have anonymously told me that. He uses the MOTD issues to his advantage to make rules that don't exist, and new players will just ignore it because it's a Senior Mod, supposedly one of the more trustable ranks, when in reality said user cannot be trusted often.


First of which, one of your concerns was that people were being "silenced". I think this refers to you and others trying to voice your concerns on the incorrect platforms. As our discord rules state, our discord isn't the place to argue about staff members wrong doings, or report players. That should be done on the forums. The same goes for the server. People are in game to have fun and interact with others. This again, isn't a platform to report staff members. The forums is the proper place to do so. Doing it anywhere other than the forums is obnoxious and a nuisance to other people who are trying to enjoy themselves. I know for sure that the people who were 'silenced' were directed to proper place to make a report and deal with the issue properly.

Again, I completely understand this but at the same time this is flawed. If the staff team were nicer, I would've at least received a warning and I likely would've stopped. However, I was instantly banned by an admin with no warning for 'being annoying' over a single link. I don't think that's proper conduct for a staff member to act.

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Can you drill down more on specifics? 

For example, You mention things like, making rules for personal gain. Can you give more specific examples of this.

It's really hard for us to deal with broad issues without any proof. If you could get more specific it would really help is correct the problem. It's a lot more productive to say "Hey, you were taking it a little far when doing X. In the future you should do Y" Instead of "Hey, some people think you're doing 'bad things'". At the end of the day, we need specifics instances.

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Also, for future reference please only report issues you're directly involved with. It help keeps things organized, and prevents reports without any substance. Reports are here for us to take action and resolve issues, and it's really hard to do so when you haven't even witnessed the events yourself. I would suggest that you advise the players who made the accusations to make the report themselves, as they probably know the situation better and might have a better first person account, and likely some proof.

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