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EpicGamerThatIsCool report


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Your In-Game (RP) Name:Dak

Which staff member are you reporting: EpicGamerThatIsCool

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: Alright so what happened is this dude was in a window and i shot around him to break the window to see who it was and i guess a shot mustve hit him (my gun was a burst) and i was warned for it, it was over. I didn't care because i was in the wrong because it hit him on accident. But then after the person who got shot in the window, walked up to me, adverted "mug" just "mug" and shot me. I was not moving, I was typing in ooc. I called an admin sit and when it was all said and done epic said it was fail rp so i thought it was over and done with but when i asked for him to be warned epic said he was just going to verbally warn him. I asked again specifically to warn him because it was on purpose, he had intent to kill me, not mug me, and he said no. I understand its up to their best judgement and all but he purposely mugged me with the intention to kill me. What i dont understand is that he was very happy to warn me for something was was an accident but when its something that was on purpose he was so quick to not warn him. When i asked for him to warn him he said "uhhhhhhhhhh im not sure-.." I dont know if they are friends, because if they are it was a biased sit. When i was in the first sit they wouldnt even listen to my side. but they were VERYY careful with the next one. I don't want my warn removed, it was my fault and i got that but i think that the sit was pretty biased. Sorry i was not recording at the time i didn't think anything was going to happen.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: 11:22:12 PM Stickers ➞ Pro Thiefm9k_dragunov headcrab: mug     That was his advert. Epic even said that it was failrp and it was like .5 seconds between the mug and kill 11:22:13 PM dak ➞ Terrorist user was killed by Stickers ➞ Pro Thief m9k_dragunov headcrab with a m9k_dragunov is when he killed me

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Ok, so for the first sit with you, I looked at the replay and you were aiming right at him, not to the side but directly aiming at the middle of him. Second, for very small things like this, I give verbal warns, if I ever see it again (doesn’t have to be the same day), I give them a real warn. Also (just saying), if a player asks to get something they lost, I will usually refund them. I don’t mind because I don’t really RP anymore. I do not know Stickers. In fact, I don’t remember seeing him on the server besides during the sit. I’m sorry that I chose not to warn him, but I usually do verbal warns for these kinds of things and only give them 1 more chance. I do agree that it was FailRP but again, I usually verbal warn if they are small things like this. If you think that is wrong, I’m sorry but that’s the way I take care of these kinds of problems. To other staff, if this is wrong, please let me know but I’m pretty sure there is nothing wrong with me choosing to verbal warn for these kinds of things. I used to see staff do it all the time on Xeno before I was part of the staff team. 


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Yeah but i specifically asked for him to be warned. He had malicious intent in the mug and i have seen multiple people be warned for that stuff. If you agree he was breaking a commonly known rule, and he said he did, and i asked for him to be warned because he did the same to me, why give him a verbal? If you show him grace why not show me any? You wouldnt even listen to what happened in the first sit but in the second you were on his side again. It seemed like you thought i was being a minge or something? And i never said you DID know him i said I don't know if you do, thanks for clarifying.

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Weather someone gets warned verbally or not is up to me. I believe I should have warned him verbally because it is a small thing. Again, if he does it again, he gets a warn. I believe you should be warned about the other sit because it’s a bigger problem. There were no adverts and you were aiming directly at him on the other side of the window so I’m pretty sure shooting him was not on accident. Also I know you didn’t say I did know him, I was just letting you know so ur not confused or thinking that. Even if it was a friend, I would warn them if they need a warn. I take my job seriously and try not to do anything wrong. I am learning (first time being a mod) but I believe I didn’t do anything wrong here. I understand you want him warned and that it can be pretty annoying when people do these types of things but when they are small like this, I verbally warn and if the other player wants, I will refund then if they lost anything. Thanks for telling me your opinion. If anyone thinks something is wrong here, please let me know but again, I believe I am allowed to verbal warn if I want. Thanks. -Epic

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Just saying, at first when i shot at the WINDOW  it was just one shot that hit him and he shot at me back. I was not aiming directly at him, I dont know why i would purposely break a well know rule? I was using the AN - 94 on burst so it has a large spray. If i would have been using a draganov it would not have hit him. Also i do not see how its a minor offence? they are both the same. Both rdm but one is failrp as well so i dont understand how its not as large? And if the logs show me aiming directly at him, dont you think it would have done more than the like 9 damage it did? If i would have been aiming directly at him with a AN - 94 on burst it would have done MUCH more damage.

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Also, if anyone is confused about the “sit from before” / “the window sit,” here’s the story. I got a ticket for RDM about Dak shooting them. I brought both of them, talked about it, and eventually I checked logs to see where Dak was aiming. He was aiming directly at the person on the other side of the window. It kinda looks like it was intentional. He never said anything about his gun being burst. All he said was he was aiming next to the person in the window. Keep in mind, the build with the window he shot had multiple other unbroken windows. I don’t know what the purpose of shooting the window was but there where many other windows to shoot with nobody behind them. I ended up warning Dak because to me, it looked like he purposely shot at him. That’s the story if ur confused or wondering about it. -Epic

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I told you 19 times why i did but as i said you never listened to me in the sit. I told you if you look at someone through a window you cant see their name, so i shot it to see who it was and it happenes that a shot hit him.. for 9 damage.. If i was aiming directly at him it would have done a lot more.

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5 minutes ago, Dak said:

Just saying, at first when i shot at the WINDOW  it was just one shot that hit him and he shot at me back. I was not aiming directly at him, I dont know why i would purposely break a well know rule? I was using the AN - 94 on burst so it has a large spray. If i would have been using a draganov it would not have hit him. Also i do not see how its a minor offence? they are both the same. Both rdm but one is failrp as well so i dont understand how its not as large? And if the logs show me aiming directly at him, dont you think it would have done more than the like 9 damage it did? If i would have been aiming directly at him with a AN - 94 on burst it would have done MUCH more damage.

So when you said it did 9 damage, it was more than that. The bar that shows who dealed damage in the middle was at least 1/4 full of ur shots. If you don’t know the bar I’m talking about. You were staff so you should know. It just shows the percentage that people dealed to each other. Unless the logs were lying to me... I’m just going off what the logs show. It really looks like it was on purpose if you’re  aiming right at the other person and there are other windows to shoot without people behind them. -Epic

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3 minutes ago, Dak said:

I told you 19 times why i did but as i said you never listened to me in the sit. I told you if you look at someone through a window you cant see their name, so i shot it to see who it was and it happenes that a shot hit him.. for 9 damage.. If i was aiming directly at him it would have done a lot more.

When I looked at the replay, it was very obvious there is someone behind the window. It looks as if there isn’t a window or the window was already shot (not saying it was) and I even showed you and the other person how obvious it looks when you’re behind the window. I know in the logs it makes the player model stick out a lot more but outside of logs I checked and it was still very obvious. Also, if you’re curious who’s behind a window, I recommend not shooting it because even if it didn’t hit him, I’m sure he will be alerted that you shot right in his direction and he would shoot back. I would probably do the sane thing if someone shot through the window I was standing directly behind. If you are seeing who’s behind a window, why would you shoot directly at the person? Especially with a burst, the first shot of the burst would break the window letting the other bullets go through to hit something through the hole the first bullet created. -Epic

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The window was indeed broken. Just saying, the logs show it being broken because maybe the shots didnt ACTUALLY hit him and he shot back as you said. I never got to share those kinds of possibilities because you wouldnt let me speak. Im not saying that happened before you get mad and start yelling at me, im saying it COULD HAVE but i never got to speak on my behalf.

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Also the mug was RDM, FailRP, and a false advert. How is that not a big deal? rdm because it was a false advert. (it was just mug, no prices or kos reasons at all) and killing me literally 0.1 seconds after the advert.

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Just now, Dak said:

The window was indeed broken. Just saying, the logs show it being broken because maybe the shots didnt ACTUALLY hit him and he shot back as you said. I never got to share those kinds of possibilities because you wouldnt let me speak. Im not saying that happened before you get mad and start yelling at me, im saying it COULD HAVE but i never got to speak on my behalf.

I was letting both of you to speak. When I said I was going to warn you, you said ok and you never tried to talk about any of this other stuff. It makes it easier for me but it would be easier if you told be there instead of here so I knew more about it. It’s not that I wouldn’t let u speak, it’s that you wouldn’t speak up. You literally said ok to the warn and didn’t say anything to avoid the warn. -Epic

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1 minute ago, Dak said:

Also the mug was RDM, FailRP, and a false advert. How is that not a big deal? rdm because it was a false advert. (it was just mug, no prices or kos reasons at all) and killing me literally 0.1 seconds after the advert.

Not a false advert. He said during the sit that when he mugged you he said to drop the money and to not move and you didn’t deny it. 

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My fingers are dying... I really don’t think this is going anywhere. I’m sorry that you wanted him warned but I chose to verbal warn him. I’m not going to change my opinion. I want to go to bed I have school so let’s just see how other people react to this and we can continue this later. I want to go to bed and I’m still sticking with the verbal until it happens again if it does. Sorry. -EpicGamerThatIsCool

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Please explain to me how he could explain the cost in.10 seconds when he killed me? He didn't he walked up to me, typed mug, and shot me. You weren't there so how would you know if he said anything? Also I mentioned his rank because you said he was new or could have been new. He was a Donator. I saw him on many times before. He never said not to move either. There are no videos so how would you know? Check the advert time and death time. Impossible to say the cost and don't move. 

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He said during the sit that he said the cost and not to move and you didn’t deny it. You just accepted the warn. To me it sounds like you knew he said these things. You never said he didn’t say these things. I’m done with this now. I’m sorry that you didn’t get what you wanted but I chose not to warn him. Have a nice rest of your day.

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You just got your two sits mixed up. Check the times of death and advert. It doesnt add up. I accepted the warn the first time because i had NO CLUE if i shot him or not. How could he say that in 0.10 seconds? And once again you didnt let me speak in the sit so i couldnt say if he was lying or not. I am also done so its up to which ever admin reads this.

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No, it’s up to me. Again, sorry that I didn’t warn him. I’m tired of going back and forth. This is the last time I’m replying. I have full control on if I want to warn someone or not. I did let you talk. I always let people show their side of the story unless they are interrupting or screaming into their mic. HAVE A NICE DAY.

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