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Your In-Game (RP) Name: aka_x_destroyer

Which staff member are you reporting: Spooky Simon04

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: This staff member is Metagameing, he is killing people with his friends and when they are fighting back he turns on duty and sits them. Fx one of his friends was shooting at me from a roof i shot back and he sat me told me i was in the wrong. 

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims:

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Hello There I would just like to say I am not biased I do not take sits because they are my friends earlier in the logs it said you shot me and I pasted them and I gave you a verbal warn Because the logs said you shot me also I do not Metagame also in the Video you can me say i was lagging like crazy because I was  and I also punched him on purpose so he could kill me because I was lagging really bad also we did not go around and kill people I grappled myself on a rooftop and shot people who where attacking others and you where trying to lie to me about multiple things of like when you shot me and you lied about it even tho the logs said different.

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Its so crazy when you call a mod out for doing something wrong they go out of there way to leave negative things on your mod app. Look I applied for a mod app because time and time again people in power get bored and they need something to do. So they use there power that was actually earned doing good things and they do terrible things with it. I do enjoy this server and TMOD is something I want badly but im not gonna let people in power abuse a gift they were granted! hope all reading have a great day and thanks for making it this far!


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I am just doing my job you got warned and if some one gets warned with the App up I must say it on there app so the others know so I am not trying to be Toxic or anything just doing my job also I have not been really Toxic you have also been kinda Mingey today as well.

Edited by Simon04
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Hi Destroyer, thank you for creating a staff report! I have reviewed this evidence and issued the appropriate punishment. As for your warning, I do not have enough information to appeal it. If you have any images/videos that can back up your claim (I understand if you don't), please send them to me.




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