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got banned for two weeks for amrdm (wich is not true) and without a warn


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: gillysyut

Which staff member are you reporting: I dont really know but I hope you can see who banned me

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: Yea hello so it's me again...

first of all thanks with the last report...

So I was sitting in my base (warehouse next to pd) and shoot a few times out the door (my friend as well but the difference is, he hit people...I just shoot out on the ground (i could be that I accordantly hit someone...but this was not intentionally and I apologized...

Then I moved to the Mod and without talking directly to me he banned me for 2 weeks...without a warn ... and without talking to me...yea niiiice...(my friend as well)

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: you can see the logs of my ban and the warns I have... I think this doesn't match right? Sorry that i have no evidence of the shooting...

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Ok, So I banned you both because on several instances I saw and both read in the logs that you were shooting players outside of your base. It is common sense to not randomly shoot players outside of your base. So I banned you for AMRDM which in hindsight I wanted to do MARDM but same difference. Either way both of you were randomly shooting players outside of your base, on several different occasions, we don't warn people who mass rdm

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Hello gilly, I looked over the situation talked to derpza about it and got his side and I have come to the conclusion of your ban was not false for the reason of you were shooting people in the street, While it may not have been on purpose you still did it and damaged quite a few people. Derpza also said that he did in fact tell you why you were being banned and what for. If you would like to appeal your ban feel free to go to xenorp.com/bans sign in and create a appeal. Derpza was in the right here and will not receive any punishment.

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