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False Ban By Festive andy


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: diavolo

Which staff member are you reporting: Festive andy

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: Festive andy Banned My Friend that loves Xeno DarkRp and has unjustly been banned by festive andy, (JustCharger) reported him for Mass Rdm When it was a raid. JustCharger Has created Chaos And Made people Rdm so he is in the clear he has made many inappropriate Building from props and act's like he's a new player to get away with his crimes

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: I might not have the evidence on me But Please I beg of the reader of this Please unban My Friend His Name Is (King Craig)
Please if you get this DM Me in the Xeno discord and tell me what you can do My name is [Diavolo]

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Hello diavolo. I was actually the person who banned king craig, Now I don't remember the situation fully but I only ban people with valid proof of mass rdm. If you're friend wants to be unbanned he'll have to create a ban appeal at xenorp.com/bans.


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