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Admin Kil

Chinese AK

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Hello staff and others. I hope you will thoroughly read this or at the very least, consider the summary. Thank you in advance.

Your In-Game (RP) Name:

Matty B


Which staff member are you reporting:



Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: 


- Kil ignores my 2 tickets for RDM against someone when he is online (could've been dealing with other things),

- Kil ignores my tickets for NLR x2 after he re-joins the server,

- Kil has no evidence or detailed vouches to go off of that I 'Mass RDMed' on the server and decides to ban me for a week because I couldn't provide any evidence either,

- Possibly favours donators and partied members as they seem more credible and experienced or targets that are hard to deal with.


What Happened:

During my session this afternoon, I joined to the sight of one admin on duty (Kil) managing some mass RDMers, which is fine. I was later RDMed and sent a ticket. 5 minutes later, I was killed for 'RDMing' and wondered if Kil was even active on the server and I sent another RDM report. I ask in OOC if Kil could answer my ticket, and then a little later,  Kil manually leaves the server. A mini purge begun and I was partied with a citizen (I was later informed I wasn't allowed to do this as a thief) which allowed me to kill anyone who shot my member.

A few kills, breaking of NLR and tickets sent later, Kil joins the server where he witnesses some more killings occurring and then brings me into jail. Midway through, Jimmy (dont remember his full RPN) is brought up, warned for RDM and sent back down, that's cool. After a discussion and me protecting myself, he bans be for A WEEK for 3 'RDM's in a row from the logs when he didn't have any evidence or vouches to support this (neither did I). If he had a recording of this event I wouldn't be complaining however I was banned for a week without evidence against an event that took place when he wasn't even on the server.

It is not clear if Kil warned the others for RDMing me or breaking NLR, however it is quite unlikely that he did this as I was already banned and could not say my piece to prosecute the offenders. It is also quite unlikely that the donators of the server would have even been considered through this as they seem like high priority and not people who break the rules. My opinion on Kil being biased towards donators should be taken with a grain of salt as I only have this evidence to go off of.

This is appalling behaviour from someone who appears as an Admin on the server and I expect better from a person with such a role. It is possible that Kil ignored my tickets and only banned the person who was 'mass RDMing' in spite of recent events that occurred on the server prior. The dude seems nice but honestly, his punishment seemed way too harsh for the little evidence and support that he had against my case (this is not a ban appeal). Through this read, I hope I enlightened you to some possibilities and maybe you can consider these actions in your own respect.


Please provide any available evidence to back your claims:

Check logs from me to start off with, more depth is discoverable through my interactions with the ones that I was killing.


I am open to hearing from any staff member on this, espcially Kil. Thank you once again for reading and considering. 

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Hello Matty b. I'm going to go over some points first and then explain more of my side.

7 hours ago, Chinese AK said:

- Kil ignores my 2 tickets for RDM against someone when he is online (could've been dealing with other things),

I did not "Ignore your tickets" I was simply in logs looking over them the first time, Which lead to 2 people being banned for Mass RDM.

7 hours ago, Chinese AK said:

- Kil ignores my tickets for NLR x2 after he re-joins the server,

Once again I did not "Ignore your ticket" I was still in logs. I had to rejoin because my game had froze so I just task killed the game.

7 hours ago, Chinese AK said:

- Kil has no evidence or detailed vouches to go off of that I 'Mass RDMed' on the server and decides to ban me for a week because I couldn't provide any evidence either,

I did actually have evidence of RDM which was you had killed 3 people walking out of spawn for no reason, there was proof in logs as they weren't rping nor had pulled out guns so there was nothing they could have possibly done.


7 hours ago, Chinese AK said:

- Possibly favours donators and partied members as they seem more credible and experienced or targets that are hard to deal with.

This is blatantly false. I have banned many donator's and even last night I had banned quasar who was also a donator. I am not biased towards any parties and keep my punishments fair.



Now I'm going to explain from my side what had happened.

I had joined last night after receiving some complaints in the discord about the server having trouble's. People were already breaking rules as soon as I had hopped on so I quickly dealt with that. I goto quasar who had been supplying bombs to a Mass RDM'r and talk to him about it and banned him for Mass RDM. later I looked in logs for about 20-30 or so minutes while occasionally dealing with players who were breaking rules. while in log's my game froze so I task killed the game and rejoined, I looked in logs to see that you along with hassad had killed multiple people while I was gone trying to relaunch my game. I looked at those logs to try and see what had gone on I jail tp'd both you and hassad into a sit so you guys couldn't kill or be killed while I was trying to talk to you both. I brought jimmy who had definitely rdm'd you once (with proof) and talked to him about it which he admitted to so I warned him. I talked to you guys for a bit about the logs and tried to have you guys explain kills that had happened but there had been multiple instances where there was the (I killed him because he was also mass rdming) so I banned you and hassad on the bases of killing multiple people over the span of time. I do apologize if it looks like I was ignoring your tickets but I was definitley not.

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Hello Matty B, thank you for creating a staff report!

Unfortunately we do not have enough evidence to take this report further. Staff members are allowed to not take tickets when they are on the server. If you would like to appeal your ban, please do so here.


Have a great day!


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