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Soprano's Moderator Application


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Upon popular vote of my friend group, and the fact that legit none of them want me to apply. I have decided against applying. Not to mention, most of the former staff I still talk to say the staff team is shit now. Sorry for the hassle. Peace out homies, we out.

Edited by Soprano
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Neutral (Leaning -1)

Thoughts and Personal Experiences

Never seen or heard of you before. Apparently this is because you literally just got back on the server, and haven't played since June. I know this because you said it in the Discord (screenshot attached).

Errors in Application

c2) You don't mention the NLR timer.

d1) Don't try to intervene, just record and report to a higher-up.

d2) Jail the MRDMer immediately and deal with them, then go back to your original sit.


Ex-Staff, seems to know the rules pretty well, pretty decent application. No warns or bans.


You haven't been on in more than half a year, and immediately made an application. Your application also has a few mistakes.


I think you should probably play for a little while to re-familiarize yourself with the rules before you apply again.

Screen Shot 2021-01-21 at 8.42.07 PM.png

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