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Juanson Ling's Trial-Mod Application

Juanson Ling

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a1) What is your in-game (RP) name? Juanson Ling

a2) Provide a link to your Steam profile. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198408137186/

a3) What is your Discord Tag? (ie: SomeUser#1234) jolly rancher#8928

a4) What timezone are you located in? EST

a5) How many in-game warns do you have? 2

a6) Have you ever been banned? If so, explain why? I don't remember so probably not

a7) Do you have any prior staffing experience? If so, where? Yeah, DigitalDeltaGaming and some other pokemon rp server my friend owned a few years ago

Please answer these questions with your honest opinion.
b1) Why do you want to volunteer for XenoRP? 

I truly like this server and it would be nice if we could just have fun and not have constant RDMing or have people who just be a complete burden to the server and staff.  I'm very active on this server so use me if you want help to prevent minging. It would be my pleasure to get rid of the people who just come on the game to ruin it for everyone.

b2) If you were to get accepted, what do you think would make you a good moderator?

I know what the rules are and I favor no one because the rules are the rules. I believe that no one should be above them.  If someone is breaking the rules then I would accurately give them the punishment they deserve. 

Please provide descriptive answers for the following questions:

c1) Define RDM/RDA and describe how players who perform those actions should be punished.

RDM is just randomly killing someone for no reason and RDA is just randomy arresting someone for no reason as a cop. If I see that a person did either one of these but is ignorant that this is against the rules then I would not give them the same punishment that the ones who know about them would get. I would just warn that person and kindly tell them to read the rules. For the ones who knew that what they did was RDM/RDA I would just ban them for a couple of days or weeks depending on the number of people RDMed/RDAed

c2) Explain "NLR" and provide examples of instances in which it is violated.

NLR is the new life rule and it's meant to make you stay away from the place you just died at for a set amount of time 

c3) Define "metagame" and provide examples of its occurrence.

It's basically cheating in an RP server and it can happen by a person gathering information from non rp data and putting that knowledge into the rp world. Basically if I'm on discord and I'm talking with a group of people on the server and I give away the location of someone then it would be meta gaming

Please explain how you would handle each of these situations:
d1) You see a higher up is abusing their powers to the highest severity, how do you react?

I would try to calm him down and figure out why he's doing it. If he has no reason then I'd just turn on OBS and report him to the forums

d2) During a sit, you see someone outside of the sit Mass RDMing. How do you handle the situation?

I would jail that person and see if a staff member could take care of him. If there are none then I'd just make him wait until I'm done with the sit to be banned

d3) Only two other players are online, and they're building in the streets.

 I would tell them both to become hobos if they wanna build on the streets. If they refuse then I'll just tell them to stop and if they don't stop I'll delete all their props and warn them

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Thoughts and Personal Experiences

Never ever seen nor heard of you, and given how often I'm on, that's a very bad sign.

Errors in Application

c1) Punishments are vague and off.

c2) Also the person who died. And you don't mention the NLR timer, or how NLR applies to Raids.

d1) Don't confront. Just immediately record them, and report to an Admin, not the forums.

d2) Jail and deal with the MRDMer IMMEDIATELY, then return to your initial sit.

d3) Hobos cannot build on the streets.


No warns or bans.


Not nearly as active as I'd like. Application is sloppy and contains several major errors.


I think you need to log more playtime, and get to know the rules a lot better, and spend more time on your application, before you should apply to be a staff member.


EDIT: User just told someone in-game: "shut the fuck up 11 year old kid, go cry on the forums". Extremely immature and not fit for staff.

Edited by Waltz
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