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Mod abusing Powers


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: Brxsko

Which staff member are you reporting: Rice Cooker

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: Kicked me and my friends out of the server which was justified for our actions. But the main problem is *epicluca* ruined rp by rdm'ing multiple people besides my friends and I. So instead of balanced reprecussions, my friends and I were the only people to get in trouble. Brought this up to *rice cooker* but he brushed my story and continued to ignore our stories. 

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: LOGS

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The reason that no punishments were issued to Epicluca was due to the fact there was not enough evidence to prove such events had occurred. Many times I had asked whether or not you had evidence to prove whether or not Epicluca had broken the rules but you took little to no regard to my question and continued to ask why they were not getting punished. I continued to prompt you time and time again to present evidence to help support your claims but none were ever provided. The underlying reason Epicluca was not issued a punishment of any kind was due to the fact they was not enough evidence or reason at the time to issue any.

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