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Convoy being biased based

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Your In-Game (RP) Name:DadIo

Which staff member are you reporting:Convoy

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: I put out an application to apply for the staff team and he responded with a -1 "our last interaction when you was staff went way south" The situation he speaks of was well done and handled and the staff is holding grudges against me and being immature about it. I believe this -1 was unfair as it was due to a personal reason and not a legitimized reason that validated the -1. This staff has also witnessed the harassment that happened the day i reported it and said staff did nothing about it. and let them continue to do so until i reported it.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims:All the proof is on my staff app

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I had a bad interaction with you previously. Am I not allowed to speak of it? We have had very little interactions with one another but I don't remember one being too good. I voiced my personal opinion on your staff application. 

If you would like I will add that;

I have heard things from other staff members regarding your past time moderating, they were mostly negative.

You literally rejoined the server about 2-3 days ago.

Have a good day.

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2 hours ago, CONVOY said:

I had a bad interaction with you previously. Am I not allowed to speak of it? We have had very little interactions with one another but I don't remember one being too good. I voiced my personal opinion on your staff application. 

If you would like I will add that;

I have heard things from other staff members regarding your past time moderating, they were mostly negative.

You literally rejoined the server about 2-3 days ago.

Have a good day.

The only previous interaction you and i had was last year. ive never spoken to you outside of that.To add to this Ive been on the server more than alot of people realize, sadly im only ever on when its me and maybe two people or by myself.


Edited by Liam R. 1237
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When our staff members are replying to staff applications, we ask for them to write not only about anything that has to do with the application, but their personal experiences. Convoy wrote about their personal experience they had with you the last time they saw you. I see this as less of a grudge and more that he was being truthful. Even so, we do not go off the ratings alone, we gather our senior mods, admins, and owners to take an additional look and create their own opinion. There have been times where people with majority -1’s have been accepted due to senior moderator majority for them. This is no reason to file a report, especially when no staff rules nor server rules were broken.

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