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Red's Moderator Application


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a1) What is your in-game (RP) name? Red

a2) Provide a link to your Steam Profile https://steamcommunity.com/id/Red343/

a3) What is your Discord Tag? (Red#2548)

a4) What timezone are you located in? EST

a5) How many in-game warns do you have? 0 Warns

a6) Have you ever been banned? If so, explain why? I have not been banned

a7) Do you have any prior staffing experience? If so, where? Yes I do, I was most recently staff for two WW2 RP Servers. The two communities were, Imperium Gaming and the other was DSNW. I was Super Admin and Deputy Server Manager respectively. I love the Garry's Mod Community and I am very familiar with the staffing experience, it's something I do for enjoyment and to make a good experience for others as well. 

Please answer these questions with your honest opinion.
b1) Why do you want to volunteer for XenoRP? My friends join the server every now and then, and I want to put some of my time to make the server a better place and make some friends too. 

b2) If you were to get accepted, what do you think would make you a good moderator? My experience of being staff, understanding players and not being corrupt as a staff member, dedication and fast response time, I can only prove myself if I get accepted and that's what I wish to do. 

Please provide descriptive answers for the following questions:

c1) Define RDM/RDA and describe how players who perform those actions should be punished. The term RDM stands for Random Death Match, an example is when a player kills another player for no roleplay reason. The term RDA stands for Random Arrest, this is when a police officer / swat uses their arrest baton on random players for no reason to punish them. 

c2) Explain "NLR" and provide examples of instances in which it is violated. The term NLR is New Life Rule, and when you die while roleplaying you are to forget your past for a certain amount of time. For example if you die while raiding you cannot go back to assist until it is over. Of course this rule varies server to server.

c3) Define "metagame" and provide examples of its occurrence. The term metagame is fairly common and its when you use outside knowledge for an advantage. For example you switch to gundealer to self supply for you and your team then switch back or have a group of players to cause corruption within the server contacting eachother elsewhere.

Please explain how you would handle each of these situations:
d1) You see a higher up is abusing their powers to the highest severity, how do you react? I would record what they are doing, and make sure I have solid evidence then I would contact a higher up with the evidence to have them punished for their abuse. 

d2) During a sit, you see someone outside of the sit Mass RDMing. How do you handle the situation? Depending on the commands, I would freeze them first then tp them to a safe location probably outside the map and speak with them. Depending on their attitude ill give them a reasonable punishment and make them think about if they want to enjoy the roleplay experience or not 

d3) Only two other players are online, and they're building in the streets. I wouldn't have a problem at all, let the players have fun especially if it's a downtime for the server. That's what the experience is all about, is to have fun :D.

P.S. Careless is a good trial mod and should be promoted for caring about the players!

Edited by Red
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