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Report on EpicGamerThatIsCool


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: Earl Sweatshirts Lips

Which staff member are you reporting: EpicGamerThatIsCool 

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: this was a while ago but I thought I should bring it attention, EpicGamerThatIsCool called another staff member a “fag” in OOC for raiding and killing him 

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims:


Edited by Earl
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You didn’t learn anything. You are still toxic and still say it in discord all the time  I don’t think I’ve ever been in a call with you where you aren’t toxic towards other people. You’re a prime example of what mods shouldn’t be and why Xeno’s staff team is a joke now.

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The only time I get like that is if people do it to me and are just annoying. I never do it in sits or anything like that but I’m calls on the discord, everyone messes around. You did it all the time when u were staff. People are always like that in calls including higher ups and your reporting me. I’m just gonna wait until someone sees this and handles it. Again, sorry.

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Well you should know that just because higher ups do it doesn’t mean it’s okay. And if other people are saying it than as a mod you should tell them to stop and not go along with it. And no, I didn’t call people fags in Xeno when I was staff. 

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This screenshot was taken weeks ago.  This topic has already been dealt with. There is no reason to bring up an old subject unless you have proof of him doing the same thing recently.  

If you have proof of him doing it recently, that is an entirely different story, but for right now it just looks like you’re trying to put dirt on him.

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  On 9/24/2019 at 3:34 PM, Bushman said:

Yes it does.  It is a moderator report on a server I mod in, on a good mod that I consistently interact with.  I have never once heard him say any of the above except for what has been handled already.


No it doesn't. The reason we ask people not to reply to reports they are not involved in is because it clutters that thread, and ultimately makes it harder to sort out and handle the thread appropriately. It would be different if you were adding additional information or evidence, such as a video or a screenshot. Simply adding anecdotal evidence attesting to your friends character does nothing more than fill up space on the thread, and derail it and start arguments. You were not in the situation, you are not the player reporting the situation, you are not the staff member being reported. This makes you not involved. Furthermore you contribution was saying that you "have never heard him say any of the above". That isn't very helpful, unless you are on every exact time as EpicGamer, and are at his side for the entirety of the session. Please try to refrain from commenting on any other reports you are not involved in.

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@Earl, as stated above this specific situation was already handled and the additional report was not necessary. If EpicGamer's behavior you reported continues, feel free to make an additional report. Mistakes happen, and a lot of times issues can be corrected by simply talking with person involved. If the issue happens again, then that's definitely when things are taken more serious than an initial mistake. On a side note, You should also try to relax, and not so be toxic in the comments here as well. 

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