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Bullied, RDMED and harrassed by 2 Moderators


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Im making a request 2 have these 2 idiots who have been harassing me and rdming me ever since I entered the server have their moderator abilities removed

these 2 cocksuckers have not only been killing me while I was building my base, but they have been raiding my base while I was building, removing my building sign just to shoot and kill me, go through my props to raid my place and kill me, kicked me from the server for supposed nlr which never fucking happened which I also have plenty of recordings of. These 2 retards need to be dealt with. I will send you all the recording privately of their toxic behavior.

The 2 idiots that Im talking of are Notorious  N.E.D and HardHamburger

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Hey! Sorry you feel this way, however all of the times you were warned for NLR were because you broke NLR. You getting kicked was after reaching the warning threshhold as you were warned 3 times for NLR (twice during my own raid) and another for Revenge RDM as you killed NED as you walked out of spawn after he was leaving the raid at you base. If you could provide some evidence on this, that would be great.


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2 minutes ago, FlatHamburger said:

Hey! Sorry you feel this way, however all of the times you were warned for NLR were because you broke NLR. You getting kicked was after reaching the warning threshhold as you were warned 3 times for NLR (twice during my own raid) and another for Revenge RDM as you killed NED as you walked out of spawn after he was leaving the raid at you base. If you could provide some evidence on this, that would be great.


hahahah nice try retard, recordings of you 2 assholes proves otherwise. Admins have been informed and will get the recordings you piece of shit.

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14 hours ago, FlatHamburger said:

Hey! Sorry you feel this way, however all of the times you were warned for NLR were because you broke NLR. You getting kicked was after reaching the warning threshhold as you were warned 3 times for NLR (twice during my own raid) and another for Revenge RDM as you killed NED as you walked out of spawn after he was leaving the raid at you base. If you could provide some evidence on this, that would be great.


13 hours ago, GIBBY said:

Please supply the evidence here or else im gonna have to close the case here. Thanks. also no need for name calling we can be more mature than that.

gibby If these 2 idiots hadn't of harassed me the way they did there wouldn't be no name calling. Bu since they did than they deserve to be called scumbag fucks and ama provide you guys with all video footage once everything is uploaded and I can add the link to this topic which should be by Saturday due to the reason that I have a job and don't spend my time online all the time

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