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Thank you for not taking your time for a sit Rice


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: Earl Sweatshirts Lips

Which staff member are you reporting: Rice Cooker

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: I tried vote kicking myself 2-3 times and i was thenĀ told by Kil that i should stop. In the middle of talking to him in OOC i get banned for an hour because Rice Cooker couldn't take his time for a sit.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: Ask Agent, he was there in game and I was in a call with him at the time.

Edited by Earl
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I understand that getting warned for something as trivial as that but you were constantly attempting to vote kick yourself even after multiple staff members had stopped your vote kicks. These sorts of actions may be interpenetrated to other players as appropriate even though vote kick should only be used in the case of rule breakers when no staff were present. I merely warned you as I did not believe you need an explanation on why your actions were inappropriate. You were automatically banned by Awarn not by me. The only thing that I contributed to that ban is that I issued the last warning. I don't believe I have violated staff protocol or procedure and that the punishment that I issued was valid and justified for that specific situation.

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