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Simon04 Abuse


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: SycheL

Which staff member are you reporting: Simon04

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: Hes Letting His Friend Build on thee sidewalk and not doing anything... While a pro theif

hes also building on the road as a Pro Theif Hes also Rdming People...

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: Pictures/screenshots





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bro these sc prove nothing at all we didnt do anything wrong for all you know he could have been telling him to stop growing weed and also he was only showed in one of the images and also i was not there for the weed part idk what happend there

Edited by Actno
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Okay I did let him do that one thing because there is a glitch that he showed me with the weed which I am going to put it out there of the attention of the Owners and also we where playing around killing each others and there where others there watching and doing it to and you never complained about it and Actno is a witness to it and also I did not build in the streets that screen shot shows duck and also you kept RDMing me but I did not warn you because you said it was just a joke and a MissClick and Ducks is also a witness to all of it to.

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Hi SycheL, thank you for creating a staff report! I've reviewed this evidence with Simon, and he states he was testing a glitch to report it to our development team. I have informed him that this is better done in less populated areas, and I will not be taking action against him.


Have a good day!

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