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FlatHamburger = Abusive Of Powers


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: donello

Which staff member are you reporting: Flathamburger

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior:

He rdmed me and also warned me for prop minge when i accidently put a prop behind his wall with only 3 people on the server he is abusing his power i also told him my z button didnt work and he just warned me anyways and rdmed me

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims:

I honestly think this guy has something agaisnt me constantly fucking with me and being an asshole with his mod status while I am just trying to play the game... He rdmed me calling it an epic gamer moment I dont think he is a good rep for your server I am a donator and he treats me like dog shit.

FlatHamburger killed donello using m9k_dragunov

11:34:47 - (OOC) <avatar=STEAM_0:0:54393403>[Donator] donello: why did you rdm me

11:35:07 - (OOC) <avatar=STEAM_0:0:89956750>[Moderator] FlatHamburger: that was an epic gamer moment

11:35:25 - (OOC) <avatar=STEAM_0:0:89956750>[Moderator] FlatHamburger: Also remove the washing machine, or I will warn you

11:35:35 - (OOC) <avatar=STEAM_0:0:54393403>[Donator] donello: my z button dosent work can you just remove it

11:35:47 - [AWarn] You have been warned by [Moderator] FlatHamburger: Prop Minge


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Hey, sorry you feel this way however you have a few things incorrect.

First, I did not RDM you, I had a clear KOS sign, and you walked into my base, so I shot and killed you.

Second, I moved the washing machine out of my base, and gave you a chance to delete it, to which you responded by telling me your Z key was broken, however there are other ways to delete the prop.

The prop should have never been in my base, and it should have never been outside of your base, and I gave you the chance to delete it, but you instead asked me to. So I issued the warn, and deleted it myself.



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a.) Please dont lie as you did not have your kos sign out yet... I like how right after this happened you put it out.

b.) You did not push the prop out of your base i was sitting right under waiting to delete it. but instead you just warned me.

c.) I realize that but I asked for you to remove it because you never moved it out for me to remove.

d.) have a nice day cause I am sure nobody will believe me 🙂 but hopefully you smarten up and not act like a cro-mag knuckle dragger. Even when there is "only 3 people on relax." 

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update... now the mod yourdadsgrill is on and when i tried to raid flats base he just shot me in the face. there was no teaming or anything like that displayed on any signs or doors so i would like that to be addresed aswell because these 2 are butt buddies 

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Hello, I see I am now mentioned. Thank you for giving me my first staff report 😄

You see, I actually am basing with Mr. Burger. We're both in the door, and I have my stuffins in his base. Good try tho! 

If there's anything else I can help you with, please let me know 🙂 


13:09:02 - (OOC) <avatar=STEAM_0:0:54393403>[Donator] donello: what its true im sure you and gibby jerkeachother off so im not gonna get shit from that report

Donating to our server doesn't give you any sort of special treatment, you came into the server with slurs; called Flat a Kike, said "Hello, Queers" as your opening statement, and continued to call him an "RDMing Mod" when I hopped on. This report isn't going anywhere because "you and gibby jerk each other off". It won't go anywhere because you're whining at the fact that we're treating you as any other player would be treated. 

Edited by your dads grill
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Hey bondy, so i understand were you are coming from and there was no reason for you to get warned by moderator for "Prop Minge". Flat could have simply taken his tool gun and removed it. That warn will be removed from your record. Now for the other stuff, i understand that the donor status means you help financially to the server however that does not give special treatment to you. With the kos sign, its hard for me to make a decision on that because i dont have a video or screenshot to prove that the kos sign was not up at the time. I will be talking to both staff members letting them know what had gone wrong and how we can fix it. Any further questions message me on discord. Gibby#7036

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