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Jimmy Johns Delivery Guy - "no one wants to hear you constantly complain"


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: Morgz Mum

Which staff member are you reporting: Jimmy Johns Delivery Guy

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: This isn't an extremely severe case, and is subtle, but I am extremely dissatisfied with how I was treated by a staff member. While he was off-duty, he had no problem acting as if he was on duty, teleporting around to users and such. Which isn't bad in itself, but the buck doesn't stop here. I made various reports on users who were constantly harassing and minging near my base with a building sign, had RDM'd me, and broken NLR and other rules several times. None of these reports were handled, but clearly Jimmy Johns was friends with one of the users I was reporting, and for some reason teleported to them inside my base while the building sign was still up. Since there was a mod nearby, I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask him to do something as he is witnessing this guy inside my base yet again, minging me, but I was promptly told by the mod "Morgz, shut up. Nobody wants to hear you constantly complaining", and nothing was done. He also remained in my base iirc and did not leave until the others left, well-aware of the building sign and my constant attempts to have the others leave my base.

I find it extremely unjust that the mod not only did anything about the situation, but helped the other guy in minging and harassing me. At the most, please give him a talking to on how he is treating users because I cannot be the only one that was treated this way by him.

I usually don't care but I seriously have never been made so upset by a (test) moderator before. I still have a bitter taste in my mouth from this. He was so oblivious and offensive, even when inside my base and witnessing the harassment this guy was dealing out, yet did nothing and would rather use moderator commands for fun.
Please provide any available evidence to back your claims:


More proof of how bad this harassment got, all with nothing done about it:


Edited by Setro
removed repeating statements
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