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PoopSandwichHD Demotion Request


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: Soli  https://steamcommunity.com/id/soli_loli

Which staff member are you reporting: PoopSandwichHD  https://forums.xeno.gg/profile/21-poopsandwichhd/  https://steamcommunity.com/id/PoopSandwichHD  STEAM_0:0:83194659

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: There was a player named Zeus that was mass rdming and using a aimbot/bhop script, PoopSandwichHD refused to do anything about it after i sent him evidence of the kid aimbotting, aswell as the kid doing it right infront of him. I then went on to tell PoopSandWichHD that he robbed another player out of 1mil because he aimbotted him during a raid PoopSandWichHD then proceeded to ignore me and disconnect. Since Poop didn't take care of the kid in any capacity the kid came back on the server shortly after and started propclimbing into Dylans base and tried aimbotting him again.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: Video , Console Pic , SteamID's

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