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Saddy Abuse Of Power


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: Hitler Was Right

Which staff member are you reporting: Saddy

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: Was told by saddy in the past that my name was not ok, i discussed it with a couple other staff and they had no problems with it, they told me that as long as i had 3 english characters my name was fine. Today saddy banned me for a week for my name listed above, i told him about me asking other members of staff about my name  and them being ok with it, but he did not care apperantly as he handed me a week ban.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims:  unoffocialcr33pa was present during the sit, other then  that i just have screenshots of my ban message saying that i was banned for my name.

Saddy  seems like the only person that has had a problem with my name whenever im on the server, as this has been my name for almost 2 months now, and to be banned for a name that ive had set for 2 months straight is just straight bullshit, im requesting an overturn on my ban, and a demotion on saddy for abuse of power.

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Hi killerofgames21, I'm glad that you are voicing your opinion; however, this is not what happened.

The original situation occurred two weeks ago. Your name promoted a dictator who committed mass genocide against six million Jewish people during the Nazi party's control of Germany and the surrounding areas in an attempt to be edgy. Upon me asking you to change your name from "Hitler was right," you changed it to "Hitler was not right" in an apparent attempt to poke me. I did, however, let you keep the last name and you stated you understood why such name was not permitted.

Upon seeing you on the server again today, with your name changed back to the one I told you was not allowed, you refused my query for you to change it to something more appropriate, citing, and I quote, "90% of staff said it was okay". While I do not know your sample size, I must say that this is most assuredly not accurate, and if it is, I will take immediate action in realigning those who did. I once again offered a chance for you to change your name, to which you replied that you would not change the name and instead take the ban. Upon me saying I will ban you for a week, you became hostile and stated that you would report me on the forums. As Cr33pa can confirm, I told you various places you could contact me for further content, where to report me on the forums if you so choose, and where to appeal your ban. After this, a one week ban was applied to your account with the understanding that another one would be added if I saw you with such name again.

Since this is a report on me, I will contact another Administrator to review this case and issue the correct reprimands. I appreciate you making sure our server functions as intended, and hope that you have a good day.



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You can't have the name "Hitler Was Right". For the sake of the argument, you can say "He was a good leader, and changed the economy in Germany  blah blah blah, free speech blah blah blah." We don't even get into that. The reason you have your name as that is because it's edgy, and offensive. I'll gladly overturn your ban if you promise to change your name.

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