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GrooZy's Moderator Application


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General Information

Age 19

a1) GrooZy
a2) https://steamcommunity.com/id/groo43/
a3) GrooZy#4365
a4) Eastern Standard Time
a5) 0 in game warns
a6) I have never been banned or kicked

a7) Past Staff Experience 
Sheepies Build N Kill – Sandbox, Co-Owner of server 2012-2014
Managed server 
Held admin sits and governed the server
Lead community events with players
Provided a good gaming experience for users 
Knowledge in commands 
Active on the server
Reference – Mr Sheepie (can get a reference if requested)

General Questions
b1)     It is with great enthusiasm that I send an application in to apply for a staff position on your Gmod server, Xeno Dark Rp. Over the past few days I have been playing and noticing a lot of rule breaking and mass rdm’s countless times. Whenever I call for an admin, I rarely get one depending on the time of day. I would love to apply for staff because I can see great potential for this server, in the end what makes a great server, is a great community. I want to put all my passion into this game's community. My goal is to help out as much as I can to make the server a better place for all users.

b2)     I would be a good moderator due to my (excessive) time and knowledge in the game, its mechanics, basic server rules, etc. My customer service skills are through the roof which means I can easily talk to other players to work out problems and solve any issues between players. I will moderate the server and dish out all punishments fairly but at the same time roleplay with players to enhance their server experience. Making the player happy is the most important thing, if that means warning, kicking or banning someone who directly broke the server rules to make another player happy, I would do so according to the rules. This is why I would be a good moderator on your server. 

Admin Sit Questions
c1)     If the RDM/RDA was a mistake and both parties agree it was a mistake, a verbal warning would be a suitable punishment. If the RDM/RDA was on purpose and both parties disagree on a reasoning then after investigation into the sit, a warn would be a suitable punishment if found guilty. If the RDM/RDA continue to occur then a kick or even ban of the player would be a suitable punishment if they are deliberately being annoying to another player without their consent. 

c2)     NLR (New Life Rule) is when a player returns to the place they had previously died, to interact with other players, entities, props or use any knowledge from their past life. For instance, if a player is raiding a base and is killed by the owner, they cannot come back to continue the raid. They would have to call “raid over” and wait 120 seconds before they could return to the house or wait 10 minutes before re-raiding them. 

c3)     Metagaming is when a player abuses gameplay mechanics to gain an advantage over other players. Killing yourself to gain health back or to get out a kidnap, stealing money and scamming by not supplying bought weapons, prop pushing/prop blocking or standing inside of props to be invincible all are metagaming offences. 

Situation Questions
d1)     I would tell the staff member to stop abusing their power and inform them about what rules they are breaking while taking screenshots or recording my game to collect evidence. After dealing with the staff member to the best of my abilities I would then get into contact with the server Owner of the server to report the admin abuse and display any evidence I have to back up my claim, then let the owner take care of the punishment. 

d2) If someone was mass RDMing outside of my sit I would immediately jail the player then continue to finish my current sit. After my current sit is resolved, I would take care of the jailed player and have another sit to give them a punishment. 

d3) If the server is empty besides two players building in the streets, the rules still apply. If I were to be lenient with two players it wouldn't be fair to other users, the rules apply to everyone the same way no matter what. I would at least give them a verbal warning if they were to stop and suggest that they select the hobo job, so they could build outside in the designated areas. 

Thank you for taking time to read my application.


Edited by GrooZy
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