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Staff Report 2


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: Ragnar Lothbrok

Which staff member are you reporting: Retarded Bear

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: Proceeded to fly to me whilst on duty and ask me for money (RPing while on duty). He also asked others for money (as heard in the video). After I called him out on his actions, he proceeds to mock me and make a joke about what he was doing wrong, which is very immature and definitely not a trait a staff member should have.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: 


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Hey Jek, im sorry you feel this way but i was flying around with my tip jar and i was playing with other staff and I was just asking for some money I know that this isnt what i should've been doing while on duty and I dearly apologize for my behavior. Also my comment at the end of the clip was totally disrespectful and uncalled for out of me and I can assure you i meant no harm out of it. If you have something else to say please reply back to this, thank you. -Edit Also i feel that you should've said something about me asking for donation instead of donating me money.

Edited by Monica Lewinsky
Had to add something
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There is also one more thing I would like to add due to my most recent experience with another mod. I did not report you because of you flying around asking for money(in my opinion it’s a very small mistake) I did so because of what you said afterwards. I will not reply further just wanted to let u know and thanks for being good about it.

Edited by jEK
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6 hours ago, UnOfficialCr33pa said:

Thanks Ragnar Lothbrok, for the report. It seem already by the comments that retarded bear understands what he did wrong. He will further be talked to about the situation. 

Thank you for replying however admins handle these. Creepa is right on this, im glag you understand what you did wrong, and hope this does not happen again. Thank you for the report.

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